Tired eyes, 'this' rather than lutein?
of runaway apical point 2. Increase

Hello. I'm a pharmacist Jinny.
If you look at the screen of an electronic device such as a smartphone or computer for a long time, you must have experienced the symptoms of blurring and dim eyes.
I think that's why many people are looking for lutein, which is a representative nutrient for eye health. However, lutein helps maintain the density of macular pigment rather than improving eye fatigue.
*Macula: A pigment contained in the macula, the part of the retina that receives light, and it loses its density with age.
Therefore, if you usually feel a lot of eye fatigue, it would be better to pay attention to the "chazugi" introduced today rather than lutein. Chazugi, also known as perilla, shiso, and cotyledon, is a plant with an appearance similar to sesame leaves, and it is an ingredient with a long history that appears in <Honcho hardwood> as well as in <Dong Bogam>. Chazugi extract has also been recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for its ability to help improve eye fatigue.
So, let's take a look at how chazugi extract can help improve eye fatigue through a paper.
Runaway is an eye movement in which the eyes gradually converge inward when looking at an object. The state in which this runaway occurs at its maximum, that is, the shortest distance at which two eyes can gaze at the material, is called the "runaway perigee."
If you can't get rid of these runaways, you may experience eye fatigue and an uncomfortable feeling of tightness around your eyes. In fact, the lack of runaway caused by the use of digital devices such as smartphones has emerged as one of the main causes of eye strain [1-2].
According to a paper published in 2017, it was confirmed that the consumption of chazugi extract can have a positive effect on the improvement of runaway periapical points.
"As a result of comparing the mean of runaway periapus, there was a significant decrease of -0.86 ± 0.16 cm in the group taking Chazugi extract."
In addition to eye stiffness and blurring, eye fatigue can also cause symptoms in other parts of the body, such as headaches and neck and shoulder pain. Closely related to this eye fatigue is the ciliary muscle, which is one of the inner eye muscles.
The ciliary muscle is a type of 'smooth muscle' that surrounds the internal organs that make up the tubes, such as blood vessels and the digestive tract [4], and is responsible for regulating the thickness of the lens. However, if you stare at something close for a long time, the ciliary muscle has to exert a tightening force for a long time, which causes fatigue to accumulate in the ciliary muscle, affects eye control, and adversely affects vision.
It is cGMP that plays an important role in the relaxation of this ciliary muscle. Increased cGMP content has been shown to induce relaxation of the smooth muscles of the eye [5].
A 2017 study in the Journal of Food and Nutrition Research showed that consumption of chazugi extract could help increase cGMP content [6].
People who suffer from dry eye syndrome complain of sore eyes, a foreign body sensation as if a grain of sand has entered, and easy eye fatigue. This dry eye syndrome is closely related to the 'meibomian glands', which are the sebaceous glands in our eyes. This is because meibomian glands secrete fat from the eyelids and play a role in smoothing the movement of the eyeballs and eyelids.
Therefore, one of the main causes of dry eye syndrome is the inability of the meibomian glands to function properly. Meibomian gland dysfunction is closely related to inflammatory cytokines. This is because meibomian gland dysfunction increases levels of the inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α [7].
In this regard, studies have shown that luteolin, the active ingredient* of Chazugi extract, significantly reduced mean serum IL-6 and TNF levels [8].

Today, we looked at the academic research on chazugi extract, focusing on its benefits related to eye strain. In addition to eye strain, chazugi extract has a variety of health benefits when consumed.
Luteolin, a key ingredient in Chazugi extract, is a flavonoid component with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, angiogenic and antiproliferative effects, and is known to help prevent vascular diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease [9]. In 2021, a review paper was published that synthesized the results of animal studies showing that luteolin could alleviate both impaired glucose metabolism in the brain and neuroinflammation, which are considered to be the causes of Alzheimer's disease [10].
So, I hope you have a healthy day in body and mind. It was Jinny.
[1] Paik, Hae Jung; Lim, Hyun Taek (2012). Accommodation and Convergence, Anomalies of Convergence. Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society, 53(12), 1719–.
[2] Byung-Moon Lee, Sang-Hun Bae, Da-Seul Lee, Sang-Deok Lee, Jin-Sook Kim. (2017). The Effects of Smartphone Viewing on Regulation and Runawayness. Korean Society of Poetry Medicine, 57.
[3] Jeong, K., Kim, J.Y., Choi, C., & Ryu, G. (2017). Effects of Perilla frutescens var. acuta Aqueous Extract on the Visual Function.
[4] Park, S.-Y., Yoon, Y.-D., Kim, D.-H., & Lee, D.-H. (2020). Improvement effect of Functional Myopia by Using of Vision Training Device(OTUS). Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, 11(2), 147–154.
[5] Kim, Jaeyong; Kang, Huwon; Choi, Hakjoon; Jo, Ara; Oh, Dooi-Ri; Kim, Yujin; Im, Sojeong; Lee, Seul-Gi; Jeong, Kyeong-In; Ryu, Geun-Chang; Choi, Chulyung (2018). Aqueous Extract of Perilla frutescens var. acuta Relaxes the Ciliary Smooth Muscle by Increasing NO/cGMP Content In Vitro and In Vivo. Molecules, 23(7), 1777–.
[6] Kim, J., Choi, H., Kim, M., Oh, D., Kim, Y., Kang, H., Jeong, K., Ryu, G., Pan, S., & Choi, C. (2017). Amelioration of Visual Display Terminal-induced Ocular Fatigue by Aqueous Extracts of Perilla frutescens var. acuta. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 5, 553-561.
[7] ] Li, Min; Yu, Yunjie; Yuan, Ying; Wang, Peng; Hu, Xiaojun; Zhu, Chengcheng; Ke, Bilian (2020). Rete ridges in eyelid margin and inflammatory cytokines in meibomian gland dysfunction associated with dry eye symptom. Current Eye Research, (), 02713683.2020.1788102–.
[8] Tsilioni, I., Taliou, A., Francis, K. et al. (2015) Children with autism spectrum disorders, who improved with a luteolin-containing dietary formulation, show reduced serum levels of TNF and IL-6. Transl Psychiatry 5, e647.
[9] Ambasta, Rashmi K; Gupta, Rohan; Kumar, Dhiraj; Bhattacharya, Saurabh; Sarkar, Aditi; Kumar, Pravir (2018). Can luteolin be a therapeutic molecule for both colon cancer and diabetes?. Briefings in Functional Genomics, (), –.
[10] Daily, James W.; Kang, Suna; Park, Sunmin (2020). Protection against Alzheimer's disease by luteolin: Role of brain glucose regulation, anti-inflammatory activity, and the gut microbiota-liver-brain axis. BioFactors, (), biof.1703–.
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