It is a Ministry of Food and Drug Safety-approved vaginal health functional lactic acid bacteria, Respecta® probiotic.
of vaginitis recurrence

Hello. I'm a pharmacist Jinny.
If you've ever had the experience of being worried about itchy and irritating female organs or having secretions that smell bad, this is the main symptom of vaginismus, which is a common "female cold" that occurs when the body is in poor physical condition due to fatigue or a decrease in immunity.
We often meet people who know that vaginismus is caused by sexual contact, but in fact, Trichomonas vaginosis, which is mainly sexually transmitted, accounts for only about 1/4 of all vaginismus. Three out of four people who have experienced vaginismus have a bacterial or immune system that can be caused by fatigue or a compromised immune system without sexual contact. This means that you are likely to have experienced candidal vaginismus.
In this season when vaginal health is more likely to deteriorate, today we would like to introduce Respecta® probiotics, a functional ingredient female lactic acid bacteria that has been recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety as "functional for vaginal health." This raw material is a functional ingredient obtained by combining lactobacillus and lactoferrin, which are biological markers of vaginal health, and is also a raw material that is highly anticipated by the academic community due to the high level of evidence of the composition of the raw material [1].
So, let's take a look at some of the scientific research on Respecta® probiotics and how this ingredient can contribute to vaginal health.
I'm sure everyone who has experienced a decline in vaginal health can relate, but there are two main ways in which you feel that something is wrong. One is the itching and stinging sensation that makes it uncomfortable to sit down, and the discharge from your underwear.
In 2018, the Archives of gynecology and obstetrics published the results of a clinical trial that evaluated the effects of Respecta® probiotic supplementation in women with vaginismus, which showed that Respecta® probiotics improved vaginal pruritus and discharge in women with vaginismus [2].
"These effects were significantly correlated with improvement in vaginitis symptoms and improvement of abnormal vaginal flora, including vaginal itching (pruritus) and discharge. "
Women's reproductive organs are sensitive to a decrease in immunity, so they are more likely to react to external stimuli and a decrease in physical strength. Recurrences of vaginismus are very common, with more than 75% of women experiencing vaginismus, and 45% of them experiencing relapses of vaginismus more than twice a year.
As a result, a clinical trial was conducted to evaluate whether Respecta® probiotics, which have been confirmed to contribute to the improvement of vaginismus symptoms, can also contribute to the prevention of vaginismus recurrence. This study reported a significant reduction in vaginismus recurrence following supplementation with Respecta® probiotics [3].
Women's reproductive organs are sensitive to a decrease in immunity, so they are more likely to react to external stimuli and a decrease in physical strength. Recurrences of vaginismus are very common, with more than 75% of women experiencing vaginismus, and 45% of them experiencing relapses of vaginismus more than twice a year.
As a result, a clinical trial was conducted to evaluate whether Respecta® probiotics, which have been confirmed to contribute to the improvement of vaginismus symptoms, can also contribute to the prevention of vaginismus recurrence. This study reported a significant reduction in vaginismus recurrence following supplementation with Respecta® probiotics [3].
"At six months of follow-up, women who took Respecta® had fewer recurrences of vaginismus compared to women who took placebo, which was statistically significant. In addition, at 1 and 4 months of follow-up, a significant reduction in vaginismus recurrence was observed only in the Respecta® group."
In fact, a woman's vagina already contains both normal and abnormal bacteria. Normally, normal bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria are balanced with abnormal bacteria to maintain vaginal health, but if the balance of vaginal flora is disturbed due to decreased immunity or the use of antibiotics, abnormal bacteria can become active and bacterial vaginosis or candida vaginosis may occur.
Conventional vaginismus treatment has mainly been done with antibiotics, but as mentioned above, the use of antibiotics can also contribute to the occurrence of vaginismus, so the scientific community has been constantly looking for alternative treatment options. A 2020 study was published in Microorganisms examining the efficacy of probiotics and lactoferrin, which are considered the most promising treatment options, and the researchers present the results of the review as follows [5].
"The combination of lactobacillus and lactoferrin may be a promising tool for preventing yeast infections (candidiasis) as well as bacterial vaginosis, and may be an alternative approach to reduce symptomatic recurrence of vaginal infections."
Today, we learned about Respecta® probiotics, a functional ingredient for vaginal health for the health of women's organs. The level of evidence of the composition of the ingredients is high, and its functionality has been verified in human application tests, so if you have any problems with vaginal health, you may want to consider consuming it.
I know that many women still keep their expressions to themselves and keep their vaginismus symptoms to themselves because they feel overwhelmed by the visit to the gynecologist and the burden of visiting the gynecologist. Please remember that management through health functional foods is not a cure for diseases, and I hope that you can manage through a specialist and health functional foods together.
I hope you have a healthy day in body and mind. It was Jinny.
[1] ] Valenti, P., Rosa, L., Capobianco, D., Lepanto, M. S., Schiavi, E., Cutone, A., ... & Mastromarino, P. (2018). Role of lactobacilli and lactoferrin in the mucosal cervicovaginal defense. Frontiers in immunology, 9, 376.
[2] Russo, R., Edu, A., & De Seta, F. (2018). Study on the effects of an oral lactobacilli and lactoferrin complex in women with intermediate vaginal microbiota. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 298(1), 139-145
[3] Russo, R., Karadja, E., & De Seta, F. (2019). Evidence-based mixture containing Lactobacillus strains and lactoferrin to prevent recurrent bacterial vaginosis: a double blind, placebo controlled, randomised clinical trial. Beneficial microbes, 10(1), 19-26.
[4] Superti, F., & De Seta, F. (2020). Warding off recurrent yeast and bacterial vaginal infections: Lactoferrin and lactobacilli. Microorganisms, 8(1), 130.
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