Hello. I'm a pharmacist Jinny.
I'm bloated, nauseous, sometimes sore, burning. I don't think there's a single person who hasn't experienced this type of indigestion in their life. That's how common it is. The problem is when these symptoms persist for a long time.
When these dyspeptic symptoms persist with repeated improvement and worsening without any other underlying disease, it is called "functional dyspepsia." It is not easy to treat because there is no causative disease. Therefore, the goal is usually to relieve the symptoms, and medications such as antacids and acid suppressants are used.
However, if you take these drugs for a long period of time and suppress the action of stomach acid for a long time, you are bound to experience a number of side effects. Stomach acid can't kill bacteria that enter the stomach, making them vulnerable to infection, and the absorption of nutrients like calcium is impaired.
Therefore, today I would like to introduce you to functional ingredients that can be consumed by patients with chronic indigestion without these side effects of medications. It's mulberry leaf extract. It is an ingredient made from the leaves of the mulberry tree, which belongs to the mulberry family, and has been recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for its ability to "improve stomach discomfort."
Now, we will explain the results of human trials and the mechanism of action of how mulberry leaf extract can improve various dyspeptic symptoms.
The symptoms of indigestion vary widely. Symptoms may include pain, discomfort, bloating, and soreness in the chest or upper abdomen, as well as nausea and nausea. Even frequent burping is one of the symptoms of indigestion.
In 2021, researchers in South Korea conducted a clinical trial to determine the effect of mulberry leaf extract on these overall dyspeptic symptoms. 83 patients with dyspepsia were divided into 39 in the intake group and 44 in the control group, and only the intake group was given 100mg of mulberry leaf extract daily for 8 weeks.
After 8 weeks, there was a significant improvement in the total scores and sub-items of the Functional Dyspeptic Symptom Assessment Questionnaire (GSRS), Quality of Life Assessment Questionnaire for Dyspepsia (NDI-K), Dyspepsia Assessment Questionnaire (GIS), and Quality of Life Assessment Questionnaire (FD-GOL) only in the feeding group.Commenting on these results, the researchers described [1]:
"There were no specific side effects. These results suggest that CTE is safe and effective in relieving gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with functional dyspepsia."
How does this work? Regarding the mechanism of action of mulberry leaf extract, I would like to introduce another study by Korean researchers.
As mentioned earlier, functional dyspepsia does not have a clear etiological disease. However, it appears to be accompanied by a very complex set of problems. 'Excessive secretion of stomach acid' is a typical problem. Because of the strong acidity of the stomach, the gastric mucosa is damaged, causing stomach aches and pains. Therefore, hospitals also prescribe medications such as antacids and acid suppressants to relieve some of the symptoms caused by excessive secretion of stomach acid.
Mulberry leaf extract has also been shown to reduce the secretion of gastric acid by blocking H2 histamine receptors, which are involved in gastric acid secretion [2].
"These results suggest that mulberry leaf extract inhibits H2R (H2 histamine receptor)-related gastric acid secretion."
Previous studies have shown that mulberry extract not only inhibits the secretion of stomach acid, but can also increase gastric mucus.
What is gastric mucus? If only strong acidic stomach acid is secreted every day, it will not be able to survive to our stomach and can melt. Therefore, to prevent the stomach from being damaged, gastric mucus is secreted and protects the stomach by covering it thickly.
Therefore, mulberry leaf extract can protect the gastric mucosa by inhibiting the secretion of gastric acid and increasing the secretion of gastric mucus [3].
"Oral administration of a single dose of mulberry leaf extract increased gastric mucus genes and reduced gastric acid-induced mucosal damage."
Today, I explained about mulberry leaf extract, a functional ingredient for stomach health that can be consumed without drug side effects. For those of you who are wondering exactly what symptoms can be improved by taking mulberry leaf extract, I will write it down in detail below.
: Abdominal pain, heartburn, acid reflux, deep licking sensation, nausea/vomiting, belching, abdominal sores, abdominal sores, abdominal pain
: Upper abdominal pain, upper abdominal discomfort and discomfort, upper abdominal bloating/distension, difficulty breathing, upper abdominal soreness, epigastric cramps, upper abdominal pressure, acid reflux, premature fullness, satiety after eating, heartburn, chest pain, nausea, belching, vomiting
: Upper abdominal pain, satiety, premature fullness, loss of appetite, cramping abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, acid reflux/heartburn, discomfort in the back of the sternum, malaise
In addition, it is difficult to expect stomach health benefits from foods that use the fruit of the mulberry instead of its leaves, or in the form of a food that is consumed in the form of powder or tea. Therefore, if you want to consume an ingredient that has been recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for its ability to improve stomach discomfort, it is better to check the name of the functional ingredient called 'Kuji Mulberry Leaf Extract'.
So, I hope you have a healthy day in body and mind. It was Jinny.
[1] Shin, J., Oh, T.-H., Kim, J.-Y., Shim, J.-J., & Lee, J.-L. (2021). Efficacy and Safety of the Cudrania tricuspidata Extract on Functional Dyspepsia: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Multicenter Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(22), 5323.
[2,3] Kim, J. Y., Park, S. D., Nam, W., Nam, B., Bae, C. H., Kim, H. J., Kim, J., Lee, J. L., & Sim, J. H. (2020). Gastroprotective Effects of Cudrania tricuspidata Leaf Extracts by Suppressing Gastric cAMP and Increasing Gastric Mucins. Preventive nutrition and food science, 25(2), 158–165
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