Symptoms and Treatment of Open Ear TubeOtolaryngologist Sang-Ho Park & Otolaryngologist Lee Sang-hoon

Symptoms and Treatment of Open Ear TubeOtolaryngologist Sang-Ho Park & Otolaryngologist Lee Sang-hoon

Dec 14, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy
1. What is open transference?
What is open transference?
The auditory canal is the tube that connects the middle ear to the nasopharyngeal cavity behind the nose. The auditory canal is originally closed, but it opens and regulates the pressure in the middle ear. However, in patients with open auditory canal, the auditory canal opens easily, even if it is always open or closed.
2. Causes of open otography
What causes open ear canalization?

There are four main causes of open ear canalosis:


The first is when you lose weight due to heavy dieting, and the fatty tissue surrounding the ear canal is lost. It is a common condition for thin and lean people.


Second, if you become dehydrated after exercising very strenuously, you may have a temporary open auditory tube.


Third, if you are pregnant or if you take the pill and your estrogen hormone levels rise, this effect will keep your canal open.


Fourth, if you sing or talk a lot for a long time, the mucous membrane inside the nose or the back of the mouth dries up, and the auditory canal, where the entrance is located at the back of the nose, becomes perforated, resulting in open ear canalosis.


3. Symptoms of open otopathy
What symptoms do patients with open ottopathy feel?

You may hear your own breathing, your own voice, your pulse, and you may experience deafness.


Because what should be closed is left open, the air passes through the nose and into the airways when you breathe, and the air is transmitted to the eardrum. So, if you look at the eardrums of patients, they move with every breath they take. As a result, patients get into the habit of covering their ears.


In severe cases, you may also experience ear pain. In addition, the sound of tinnitus can make it difficult for sensitive patients to concentrate and cause a great deal of anxiety and fear.


4. Non-surgical treatment of open otopathy
What do I need to do to recover with non-surgical treatment?

Patients with open ear canal have a lot of worries about their hearing. With treatment, most of them can get better.


You need to get enough sleep, take care of your nutrition, and rest. Nasal steroids and nasal mucosal constrictors used for nasal diseases should be discontinued as they dry out the mucus.


In addition, if you work standing for a long time, sing or talk a lot, drinking water, lying down to rest, lying down, or lowering your head while lowering your head can usually improve your symptoms.


5. Surgical treatment of open otopathy
What are the surgical treatments?

The simplest surgical treatment is the insertion of a ventilation tube in the middle ear of the eardrum. When a middle ear ventilation tube is inserted and the pressure can be controlled, the symptoms improve in about 60% of patients.


Other treatments include fillers and Botox treatments. Filler injections are placed in the open auditory canal or Botox injections are placed in the muscles that keep the auditory canal open to close the auditory canal to relieve symptoms.


In addition, a silicone catheter may be placed in the auditory tube to partially close the auditory tube.


However, it is important to note that these surgeries can cause side effects.


6. What patients with open ear canal should pay attention to on a daily basis
What should I look out for?

Eating well, resting well, and sleeping well are the most important things to take care of. Also, if you have to stand for a long time, it's a good idea to take breaks along the way. A simple way to do this is to sniff your nose and reduce the pressure and narrow the widened auditory canal, and if you put your head between your knees and bend down, blood rushes to the auditory canal and becomes blocked, which can temporarily relieve the symptoms.


It is important to note that if you are deaf, the so-called "Valsalva method*", in which air is inserted into your ears, will worsen the symptoms of open ear canal.

*Valsalva Method: Exhale with your vocal cords closed and your stomach tightened

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