STD testing and STD treatment when you suspect you have an STD! l Obstetrician and Gynecologist Lee Yumi

STD testing and STD treatment when you suspect you have an STD! l Obstetrician and Gynecologist Lee Yumi

Dec 14, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy


Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also known as sexually transmitted diseases, are so common that more than 50% of adults have been infected at least once. Especially these days, the number of confirmed cases is increasing significantly. In addition to sexual intercourse, which is a well-known cause of sexually transmitted diseases, there are many other causes, including the use of communal objects, the use of toilets, bathhouses and water parks, and the use of unhygienic accommodations. In some cases, men have asymptomatic cases other than vulvar urticaria, but in women, special care needs to be taken because the inflammation caused by sexually transmitted diseases can travel up the fallopian tubes and infect them, resulting in infertility.
1. Types of sexually transmitted diseases
What are the different types of sexually transmitted diseases?
1. Viral

Herpes type 2, human papilloma, and AIDS are sexually transmitted diseases caused by viruses contracted during sexual intercourse. It usually has no major symptoms and only appears as genital herpes.


2. Germs (bacteria)

Gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and urea/mycoplasma as sexually transmitted diseases are mostly transmitted through sexual intercourse and develop symptoms after an incubation period.


Symptoms that may occur include vaginitis, cystitis, pelvic inflammation, cervicitis, tubal adenitis, premature birth and miscarriage in women, and urethritis, prostatitis, and epididymitis in men.


3. Fungus, protozoa

Trichomonas, candida, genital warts develop due to fungal and protozoal infections. It is not always caused by sexual contact, but it can also be caused by a weakened immune system or the use of water parks or toilets.


As the main symptom, it causes cystitis, pelvic inflammation in women, urethritis and prostatitis in men, etc.


2. Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases
How are sexually transmitted diseases diagnosed?
1. Diagnosis by examination of the vulva

Herpes, pubic lice, and warts are diagnosed by a vulva examination because there are changes in the vulva due to lesions.


2. Diagnosis with genital discharge (PCR test)

Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonasis, and urea/mycoplasma are diagnosed by extracting vaginal secretions and using PCR. It is a bacterial test that checks the presence or absence of DNA of bacteria, and it is a very sensitive and accurate test.


3. Blood test

Syphilis, AIDS, and herpes are diagnosed with blood samples and antibody tests to determine whether they are positive or negative.


3. Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases

How are sexually transmitted diseases treated?


Sexually transmitted diseases are more likely to infect sexual partners as well, so they should be tested and treated together.


Treatment methods include taking medications such as antibiotics and antiviral drugs, vaginal injections, ointments, and intramuscular injections of penicillin, depending on the type and pattern of the disease.


4. What you need to know

Tell us about sexually transmitted diseases!


First, you should not wash your vagina excessively 1~2 days before the STD test, and you should also avoid using intravaginal contraceptives. The test cannot be performed during your period, and the test should be performed 5 to 10 days after your period to ensure accurate results.


Second, the test price is set at around 8~100,000 won.


Third, condom use is effective in preventing all sexually transmitted diseases, so it is a good idea to make condom use a part of your daily life.


Fourth, the virus that causes warts also causes cervical cancer in women. Seventy percent of cervical cancers are caused by viruses 16 and 18. These two viruses do not go away on their own, and by their very nature, they make the cells a little bit worse and eventually lead to cancer. There is no cure for HPV.


Fortunately, women in their 20s with good immunity get rid of the HPV virus 90% of the time. However, in order to avoid the worrisome consequences, it is recommended to get vaccinated against HPV, Gardasil. Gardasil 9 is 96.7% effective in preventing the HPV virus, and cervical cancer is the only cancer that can be prevented by injection.


The disadvantage is that you have to get a total of 3 shots, but the price is high, about 200,000 won for one session. For 9~14 year olds, the immunity is very good, so it only takes 2 shots to be effective. Not only in women, but also in men, warts often become chronic, so it is recommended to get vaccinated as a preventative measure.

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