If you have kidney disease, you should avoid it! Everyday foods that ruin your kidneys

If you have kidney disease, you should avoid it! Everyday foods that ruin your kidneys

Dec 17, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy


Dietary restriction of kidney function step by step


The principle of dietary restriction in kidney disease depends on the stage of progression. For example, those with a glomerular filtration rate of 60 ml or more are recommended to eat a low-salt diet and not overeat protein, while those with a glomerular filtration rate of 60 ml or less should further limit their phosphorus intake, and those with a glomerular filtration rate of 30 ml or less should limit their protein and potassium.


- Glomerular filtration rate ≥ 60ml: low salt diet, limit protein overeating

- Glomerular filtration rate 30~59ml: Low salt diet, protein overeating restriction, phosphorus restriction

  • Glomerular filtration rate < 30ml: low salt diet, protein restriction, phosphorus restriction, potassium control

Sodium-restricted diet


One thing to keep in mind when it comes to low-salt diets is that processed foods contain more sodium, even if the same ingredients are used. For example, 200 grams of pork belly contains about 88 mg of sodium, while 60 grams of bacon contains 420 mg of sodium. French fried potatoes can consume 100 times more sodium, and tomatoes with ketchup can consume nearly 400 times as much.


Also, you should be careful with noodles with large bowls and soup, as they have very high sodium levels. When eating noodle dishes, it is recommended to avoid soup and leave the noodles behind.


Potassium-restricted diet


For the average person, potassium is beneficial to the body, but when kidney function decreases, the body cannot discharge potassium smoothly, which can lead to hyperkalemia. Even a small amount of potassium can cause serious arrhythmias, so people with kidney disease should be careful about potassium intake.


Potassium is found in seaweed, melon, potato, mugwort, mustard, red beans, spinach, chestnuts, red lettuce, durup, and root foods. Among these, persimmons in particular have a high sugar content in addition to potassium, so you must be careful. Dried persimmons are even worse.


Phosphorus Restriction Diet


Phosphorus is also a component that cannot be excreted from the body when kidney function fails. When phosphorus accumulates in the body, it can stick to the calcium in the blood vessels and cause vascular calcification, so you need to be careful. Typical foods that contain a lot of phosphorus are bone soup, fast food, and soda. In addition, meat and milk also contain some phosphorus, so it is recommended that those with poor kidney function limit their amounts.





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