From sore teeth, cavities, orthodontics, to scaling, dentistry FAQs from doctors

From sore teeth, cavities, orthodontics, to scaling, dentistry FAQs from doctors

Dec 17, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy

Oral Health Care



Why do I have lice?


There are three causes of lice and nits:


The first is caries. Tooth decay occurs when you don't brush your teeth properly after eating, causing food to linger for more than a certain amount of time. Acid is secreted from food to dissolve minerals and organic matter in the teeth. The process is a four-step process. At first, the enamel, the outer coat tissue outside the dentin, begins to rot little by little. In the second stage, the decay progresses to the inside of the tooth inside, in the third stage, to the nerve, and in the fourth stage, the nerve becomes necrosis or inflamed. This decay close to the nerves causes the teeth to ache because the structures that protect the teeth become thinner. Since they become sensitive to external stimuli, patients tend to complain of pain a lot.


The second is gingival recession, that is, when the gums are lowered down. When the gums become severely inflamed, the gum tissue sends a signal that causes the gums to turn red, which eventually goes down, exposing the root of the tooth. When the roots are exposed in this way, they also become sensitive to external stimuli and symptoms of soreness appear.


The third is a non-carious cervical foci, that is, when a tooth is dug. Teeth can be caused by a combination of causes. Many people brush their teeth too hard or excessively on both sidesPeople with acid reflux or those who frequently consume acids such as carbonated acid and fruit juices may experience chemical corrosion. It can also be caused by occlusal habits such as teeth grinding or chewing on one side only. When the tooth itself is dug in this way, the tooth that protects the nerve becomes thinner, causing the tooth to feel sore as well.


The most important thing when your teeth start to ache is to visit your dentist early to get an accurate diagnosis. Treatment depends on the cause of the lice. Tooth decay needs to be treated, gums need to be treated when the gums are receding, and scratches need to be closed when the tooth is dug. The best way to prevent it at home is to brush your teeth regularly and well.


Are hard foods bad for dental health?


Yes, eating hard foods like squid or bones can damage your teeth. Especially for the elderly, it would be better for their dental health to eat hard foods in small pieces or not at all.


What should I do if my gums start to dig?


Once receding, the gums are not easy to treat. The solution may be to maintain the gums through regular preventive or surgical treatment to prevent them from receding, and if the gums have receded too much, implants may be placed for the surrounding bone structures. There is gingival grafting, in which tissue is removed from the roof of the mouth and transplanted into the gums, but it is not recommended because of the low success rate.


Why does my jaw joint make noise?


If your jaw makes a noise when you eat, it is most likely that you have temporomandibular joint disorder. Temporomandibular joint disorders are divided into two types. First, if you have pain when you open your mouth. In this case, the pain may prevent you from opening your mouth more than a certain size. Second, there is a 'crackling' or 'gurgling' sound in the jaw joint. The temporomandibular joint is located between the upper and lower jaws, and is a complex structure in which discs and ligaments maintain the front and back. This sound occurs when the temporomandibular joint is twisted and the disc falls forward. If you have any of these symptoms, it is necessary to have an X-ray taken by your dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss and gargling



Is it a bad habit to brush hard?


Brushing your teeth hard is a bad dental habit. The most important purpose of brushing your teeth is to protect your mouth by removing plaque and bacteria that can get stuck between your teeth and gums. Overbrushing simply for the sake of freshness can wear down or weaken the tooth structure. If you have difficulty controlling the force, we recommend using an electric toothbrush.


What are the effects of functional toothpaste?


Functional toothpastes contain tooth-strengthening chemicals that can temporarily relieve soreness. If you don't have any particular problems, it's okay to take care of your teeth with a functional toothpaste if they become temporarily sensitive right after your dental checkup.


Can you remove tartar by brushing your teeth?


It's rare for patients, even dental professionals, to brush their teeth perfectly in theory. There are many areas that we habitually miss, such as the inside of our lower teeth. Above all, tartar is not easy to remove with oral products, so it is recommended to visit the dentist once or twice a year to check your teeth. Our country provides insurance coverage for tooth scaling once a year.


Is flossing bad for gums?


The most correct way to floss is to floss along the surface of the tooth to remove any food residue or plaque, and then remove any plaque around the other tooth. However, many patients focus on food trapped between their teeth and floss excessively. In this case, if you continue to floss, your gums will not heal and may become inflamed, so if you experience bleeding around your gums while flossing, it is recommended that you visit your dentist for a check-up right away.


What happens if you brush your teeth with toothpaste and don't rinse with water?


From a medical point of view, not rinsing your mouth after brushing your teeth is not a big problem. This is because the toothpastes on the market are approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, so there is no major problem if they are passed on to saliva. Academics say that fluoride in toothpaste can strengthen the tooth surface itself, so it's better to keep it on for a period of time than to rinse it right after.


Can gargling help manage cavities?


There are many types of gargle products, but other than Listerine, other gargle products have more refreshing ingredients than plaque removal. If you rely solely on gargle products, you may not brush your teeth properly, which can lead to tartar. However, proper brushing and gargling can help reduce the number of germs and keep your mouth healthy.


How long should you brush your teeth?


In general, it is recommended to brush your teeth 3 times a day, within 3 minutes after eating, for at least 3 minutes. It's also known as the 333 rule. However, you should be careful not to brush your teeth too often, as this can wear down your teeth.


Dental Treatment and Surgery



Do impacted wisdom teeth have to be extracted?


If impacted wisdom teeth are buried under the gums, it's okay to leave them alone. However, if impacted wisdom teeth protrude outward, food can often get stuck between the wisdom teeth and adjacent molars, causing discomfort. In this case, it is recommended to have the tooth extracted because it may become inflamed.


How many times a year should you get scaling?


Scaling cycles vary from person to person or from brushing habit to person.There are some people who can have scaling every 6 months~1 year, but if they are prone to tartar, they need to visit the dentist every 2~3 months for scaling. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a specialist and follow the frequency recommended by the dentist to maintain oral hygiene.


Can scaling damage my teeth?


Depending on the skill level of the dental hygienist, the comfort felt by the patient may vary, but the scalers used in dentistry do not chip away at the teeth. Feeling that a tooth is damaged is a structural problem, so it is recommended to use conservative restorative treatment or prosthetics.


Do I have to have a tooth extraction when I put in a protruding tooth?


First of all, the reason for tooth extraction when aligning protruding teeth is that they need enough space to move them backwards. So, through radiographs or X-rays, we first check the condition of the teeth and the occlusion before finally deciding whether or not to remove them. Orthodontists also do not recommend tooth extraction unless absolutely necessary.


Can people with high blood pressure have implant surgery?


It depends on your blood pressure readings, the medications you are taking, and the state of inflammation in your gums. If the implant surgery is simple, it may be possible to control your blood pressure medication for a period of time. It's best to get an opinion from your dentist.


Child Retention Management



Is it okay to take out a child's teeth?


It's actually not a good idea to blindly remove your child's teeth. When it is time for the baby teeth to fall out, the underlying permanent teeth will rise to some extent, and if the baby teeth are removed too strongly at this time, the permanent teeth may be damaged along with the roots. If you have a baby tooth extraction at home, we recommend that you first pick it up with a tool such as tweezers and check if it shakes a lot before making a judgment.


Is it OK for permanent teeth to come out late?


There are averages when permanent teeth come out, but late ones aren't particularly good or bad. However, if the child has treated tooth decay by putting a structure on it, it is recommended to have the tooth extracted in advance, even if the baby teeth are not shaken, because they may get stuck in metal when the permanent teeth come out later.

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