Did you have a panic attack after drinking coffee? 5 risk factors that panic disorder patients should be aware of

Did you have a panic attack after drinking coffee? 5 risk factors that panic disorder patients should be aware of

Dec 18, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy


What is panic disorder?


Panic disorder is a type of acute anxiety disorder. Symptoms of panic disorder are that you suddenly feel like your heart is pounding and suffocating for no reason, but when you leave the place, it gets better again. Thyroid, hormone tests, and heart tests often don't reveal any physical abnormalities.


However, panic disorder is not just a temporary stress disorder.


What causes panic disorder


Panic disorder is mostly caused by the accumulation of anxiety in lifestyle. There are five main factors that cause panic disorder.


The first is sleep deprivation. Sometimes we feel relaxed when we have a deep sleep. This is because our brain controls the amygdala, which is involved in anxiety when we sleep. Conversely, if you don't get enough sleep, it becomes difficult to control your anxiety.


Second, not enough meals. Especially when you are low on carbohydrates, you are more likely to feel anxiety symptoms such as trembling hands.


Third, caffeine. Caffeine is a powerful anxiety inducer, and people with low caffeine sensitivity may experience rapid panic attacks.


Fourth, overwork. Many people think that if you are tired, you can sleep better. In fact, quite the opposite. The cells that make up our body are over-aroused when we are physically exhausted.


Fifth, sake. It's true that alcohol can reduce anxiety. I'm sure some of you have experienced a relaxing feeling right after drinking. The problem is that the soberness doesn't last long. If your anxiety rises again, it is likely to be more dangerous than before.


Why panic attacks occur in enclosed places


Panic attacks often occur in close, enclosed places, such as theaters. This is because people with panic disorder are sensitive to carbon dioxide.


When the body is exposed to carbon dioxide, it wants to replenish oxygen. When people with panic disorder enter a confined space, they receive signals of a lack of oxygen and begin to hyperventilate while breathing. This oversupply of oxygen can cause dizziness and, in severe cases, numbness in the hands.


Treatment of panic disorder


Treatment for panic disorder begins with medication, which is important to improve the symptoms of the attack. Panic disorder is not something that can be overcome simply by willpower, so it is necessary to manage it with the help of medication.


It's also necessary to maintain a good rhythm of daily life while avoiding the aforementioned anxiety-inducing factors.


If your symptoms are severe, it may be helpful to consult a specialist and receive cognitive behavioral therapy.



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