About the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
What kind of treatment does the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine do?
The anesthesiologist is responsible for ensuring the safety of the patient through anesthesia in the operating room. The anesthesia process is divided into administering anesthesia, maintaining anesthesia, and waking up the anesthesia. The anesthesiologist is involved throughout the entire anesthesia process, keeping an eye out for the patient to be in an emergency. In other outpatient care, nerve blocks are often used to treat chronic or acute nerve pain.
What is the difference between a procedure and a block?
The main difference is the tools you use. The procedure involves using various tools to get as close to the lesion as possible and inject the medicine or open the stick. You can think of a block as simply inserting an anesthetic needle and dispersing the drug. The treatment is more cumbersome than block, but it tends to be a little more effective.
Should I go to the anesthesiology and pain medicine department if the back of my hand is hot and itchy?
Yes, you can come to the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine. If you have a hot and itchy condition, you have a problem with your sympathetic nervous system. It's called neuropathic pain, which is a disease of the nerves, and when the nerves are diseased, the body feels cold, hot, or like someone else's flesh.
Can I go to the anesthesiologist for toothache and jaw pain?
Toothache is better to go to the dentist, and jaw pain belongs to trigeminal neuralgia*, so you can come to the anesthesiology and pain department. However, among toothaches, trigeminal neuralgia is also available. At first, it is difficult to distinguish them, so they may go to the dentist and then come back to the anesthesiology and pain department.
About anesthesia surgery
Can I do sleep anesthesia for more than 1 hour?
Prolonged sleep anesthesia is basically not recommended. When you take an anesthetic, you breathe slowly, but there are patients who have apnea, which is dangerous. In younger patients, ketamine may be used to induce breathing.
Can an epidural injection be given after sleep anesthesia?
All nerve blocks, including epidural injections, should not be given under sleep anesthesia. This is because there is a risk that the patient may move unconsciously when inserting the needle. The epidural space in the neck is only 1 mm, and if you move your body like this, even if it exceeds 1 mm, it will pierce your nerves.
Are there any risks to sleep endoscopy if you are elderly?
Older patients may not be able to receive sleep anesthesia, but they use a lower dose of anesthetic than younger patients.
Do you use fentanyl for general anesthesia?
Fentanyl is used as an adjuvant in some cases to reduce pain in patients under general anesthesia.
As for why drugs are used during general anesthesia, if the patient feels severe pain during surgery, it can lead to death. In the old days, when there were no anesthetics, drugs were used to perform surgery safely. However, drugs with a long acting time, such as morphine, had a risk of addiction. Fentanyl has been developed to prevent this from happening, making it more effective than morphine and lasting nearly 30 minutes.
Is it okay to have a tranquilizer injection at an MRI?
About injection side effects
Is there a treatment for interphalangeal neuroma?
Interphalangeal neuromas can usually be treated with injections, and surgical treatment is not too difficult. It would be helpful if you spread your toes between your toes 2~3 times before surgery.
I underwent radiofrequency treatment for my back viscerosis and the pain got worse. What kind of treatment should I do?
Since herniated syndrome is caused by damage to the fibrous ring at the back of the disc, adhesions may form again and cause pain even if radiofrequency surgery is performed. In this case, you may benefit from nerve blocks, which are injections on both sides of your lower back.
Both shoulders and wings are very painful, what kind of treatment should I get?
First, you will receive medication and physical therapy, and then you will be able to go into remission and get an injection into your muscle. Pain in the wings is frequent and prone to recurrence. This is because it is an area that has to do with supporting the neck.
I've been diagnosed with stenosis, can I have coccyx injections frequently?
Coccyx injections should not be given frequently. This is because the injections contain steroids. However, considering that steroid drugs can be taken 3~4 times a year, it is okay to take steroids without or separately.
How should numbness in the limbs be treated?
If the cause of numbness in the limbs is nerve or blood vessel, the first step is to determine whether the cause is nerve or blood vessel, and if the nerve is pinched, surgery should be performed on the neck or spine.
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