Acne due to adverse drug reactions
Many people who come to us with sudden acne are caused by the medications they are taking. Most notably, taking or applying steroids often causes pimples on the front of the chest, back, and in severe cases, on the face. Then acne can be caused by psychiatric drugs, medications taken for epilepsy, or drugs called isoniazides taken for tuberculosis. In addition, there are quite a few cases where acne suddenly develops even if you take EGF receptor inhibitors, which are taken during cancer treatment.
So, if you have a pimple-like rash on your face or body, especially on your chest, it's important to suspect that it's a side effect of your medication. In such cases, it is characterized by the appearance of acne all at once at a certain time after taking the medicine, and the appearance of rashes of almost the same stage, such as papules and pustules.
But if there is a lot of benefit to us compared to the side effects, then it is a medicine. Even steroids and tuberculosis drugs don't guarantee acne. Also, even if tuberculosis causes some acne, I think it is the right direction to leave it to the doctor's judgment because the first step is to treat tuberculosis.
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