10 reasons why your body needs probiotics

10 reasons why your body needs probiotics

Dec 18, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy


First, lactic acid bacteria are good for cholesterol


Lactic acid bacteria reduce blood cholesterol levels. Lactic acid bacteria have special enzymes that break down bile acids, which are the raw materials for cholesterol. This is because cholesterol is used to make cell membranes when dividing and multiplying in the intestine. In fact, a study by the American Heart Association found that people with high LDL cholesterol levels had LDL cholesterol levels drop by more than 11% after taking Lactobacillus reuteri for nine weeks.  


Second, lactic acid bacteria can reduce stress


Surprisingly, lactic acid bacteria can reduce stress. According to the British Journal of Nutrition, people who took supplements containing Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium longum for 30 days were found to be less stressed than those who did not. It is believed that this is because neurotransmitters that calm humans, such as serotonin, are produced in the colon mucosa, where lactobacillus is active.


Third, lactic acid bacteria help with oral health


Lactobacillus and bifidobacterium can also reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth that cause gum disease. Lactic acid bacteria neutralize the acids that destroy the enamel that surrounds the teeth in the mouth, and suppress the bacteria that cause bad breath to get rid of bad breath.


Fourth, lactic acid bacteria prevent colds


Lactic acid bacteria can also prevent colds. We analyzed 10 studies on the relationship between upper respiratory tract infections, including the common cold, and lactobacillus. It has been shown that taking foods rich in lactic acid bacteria, such as yogurt, and nutritional supplements can reduce the risk of upper respiratory tract infections by 12% and reduce the risk of catching a cold. It is believed that some of the white blood cells are located in the large intestine, so improving intestinal health through lactic acid bacteria helps the immune system.


Fifth, lactic acid bacteria help with intestinal health


It's well known that a vegetarian diet can help with inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. This is also due to lactic acid bacteria. Fiber from plants such as broccoli becomes food for lactic acid bacteria in the intestines, which is beneficial to the intestines.


Sixth, lactic acid bacteria prevent allergic diseases


Children who are breastfed by mothers who take probiotics during the first three months of life or the last four weeks of pregnancy are less likely to develop allergic skin diseases such as atopy. Allergic diseases are caused by immune imbalances, which are believed to be due to lactic acid bacteria improving the intestinal environment and boosting immunity.


Seventh, lactic acid bacteria prevent vaginitis


Bacterial vaginosis, which affects 30% of women, is mainly caused by a lack of vaginal probiotics. Because a woman's vagina is acidic, harmful bacteria generally cannot survive. It is said that if the acidity is disturbed due to excessive vaginal cleansing, the lactic acid bacteria will die, resulting in bacterial vaginosis. If you are a woman who has frequent recurrence of vaginismus, it may be better to consider probiotics before medication such as antibiotics. Probiotics are not as powerful as antibiotics, but they have fewer side effects and are more effective than acetic acid or placebo.

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