[Effects of Lutein] 3 Reasons Why  Lutein is Good for Eye Health

[Effects of Lutein] 3 Reasons Why Lutein is Good for Eye Health

Dec 03, 2023KimSunhyo

[Effects of Lutein] 3 Reasons Why

Lutein is Good for Eye Health

Lutein, Why is it Good for Eye Health?
This content is health information about ingredients and not directly related to a specific product.
Effects of Lutein
1. Increases macular pigment density
2. Reduces photo-fatigue recovery time
3. Improves near point control

Hello, I am Jinny, a pharmacist.

Lutein is widely known as an eye health nutrient. But do you know how lutein helps eye health? Lutein is an orange-colored carotenoid, a type of pigment. In the body, it is the substance that makes up the ‘macula’, which plays the most important role in vision, where the retina cells that detect light and color are concentrated.

Therefore, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety has also recognized its functionality as ‘helping eye health by maintaining macular pigment density, which can decrease due to aging.’ Now, through papers, we will look at the specific benefits of oral intake of lutein.

1. Increases Macular Pigment Density

Macular pigment plays a role in protecting the retina from light, but because it is not synthesized in the body, macular pigment density is known to decrease by half in people in their 50s and 60s compared to those in their 20s and 30s. Therefore, eye damage due to aging is inevitable.

In this regard, a paper published in Nutrients in 2020 reported that macular pigment density increased when lutein was consumed in a study of healthy adults.

“Significantly higher macular optical density (MPOD) values were observed in the lutein group than in the placebo group at week 16, indicating improvement.”

Reference :  Machida, Naomichi, Marie Kosehira, and Nobuyoshi Kitaichi. "Clinical Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Lutein with High Bio-Accessibility on Macular Pigment Optical Density and Contrast Sensitivity: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Parallel-Group Comparison Trial." Nutrients 12.10 (2020): 2966.
2. Reduces Photo-fatigue Recovery Time

There are other benefits that come from increasing macular pigment density. It is a reduction in recovery time from light fatigue. Photofatigue recovery time refers to the time it takes for the eyes to recover from bleaching caused by strong light.

In 2008, a paper was published in Optometry and Vision Science showing that when lutein and zeaxanthin were taken for 6 months, recovery time from photofatigue was reduced.

“At 4 months, the recovery time from macular photofatigue was found to be significantly shorter than the baseline measurement. These changes increased dramatically over the course of six months. (omitted) Photofatigue recovery time appears to be a direct function of increased macular pigment density.”

Reference :  JAMES M. STRINGHAM, PhD, BILLY R. HAMMOND, PhD. (2008) Macular Pigment and Visual Performance Under Glare Conditions. Optom Vis Sci. 85(2): 82-8.
3. Improves Near Point Control

Because close objects are imaged behind the retina of the eye, a process of adjusting the thickness of the lens is required to see objects clearly. During this time, near point adjustment is the state in which the lens is at its maximum thickness and maximum adjustment is being achieved. However, once you reach your 40s, the elasticity of the lens decreases and the thickness at which the lens can become thicker becomes limited, causing a presbyopia.

In relation to this, in 2014, a paper was published in Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry showing that myocytic control was improved when taking multiple dietary supplements including lutein.

“The multiple dietary supplement group demonstrated improvements in near point accommodation (NPA).”

Reference :  Kono, K., Shimizu, Y., Takahashi, S., Matsuoka, S., & Yui, K. (2014). Effect of multiple dietary supplement containing lutein, astaxanthin, cyanidin-3-glucoside, and DHA on accommodative ability. Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry (Formerly Current Medicinal Chemistry-Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents), 14(2), 114-125.

Today we looked at the benefits of consuming lutein in relation to eye health. As I mentioned earlier, lutein is a type of pigment and its name comes from the Latin word ‘leteus’, meaning ‘yellow’. Therefore, please remember that excessive consumption may temporarily turn your skin yellow.

I hope you have a healthy day both physically and mentally. This was Jinny.

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