[Effects of Perilla Frutescens Extract] Is Perilla Frutescens Better than Lutein for Eye Fatigue?  3 Benefits of Perilla Frutescens.

[Effects of Perilla Frutescens Extract] Is Perilla Frutescens Better than Lutein for Eye Fatigue? 3 Benefits of Perilla Frutescens.

Dec 03, 2023KimSunhyo

[Effects of Perilla Frutescens Extract] Is Perilla

Frutescens Better than Lutein for Eye Fatigue?

3 Benefits of Perilla Frutescens.

Perilla Frutescens Extract
Better than Lutein for Eye Fatigue?
This content is health information about ingredients and not directly related to a specific product.
Effects of Perilla Frutescens Extract
1. Improves near point convergence
2. Increases cGMP
3. Improves inflammatory cytokines

Hello, I am Jinny, a pharmacist.

If you look at screens of electronic devices like smartphones and computers for a long time, you've probably experienced symptoms such as stiff and tired eyes at least once.

Because of this, many people might be looking for lutein, a representative eye health supplement. However, lutein is a component that helps maintain the density of the "macular pigment" rather than improving eye fatigue.
*Macular pigment: Pigments within the macula, the part of the retina that absorbs light. The density of these pigments tends to decrease as people age.

Therefore, for those who often experience eye fatigue, you might want to pay attention to "Perilla Frutescens" introduced today, rather than lutein. Perilla Frutescens, also known as "siso," or "jasoyeop," is a plant with a similar appearance to sesame leaves. Its history as an ingredient dates back a long time, appearing in ancient texts like and . Perilla Frutescens extract has also been recognized by the Korean Food and Drug Administration for its functionality in helping to alleviate eye fatigue.

Now, let's explore through research papers how Perilla Frutescens extract can assist in reducing eye fatigue.

1. Improves Near Point Convergence

Convergence refers to the eye movement in which both eyes gradually move inward when focusing on an object. The maximum state of convergence, where both eyes can focus on an object at the shortest distance, is called "near point convergence."

If this convergence doesn't happen properly, it can lead to eye fatigue and an uncomfortable sensation of tightness around the eyes. In fact, a lack of convergence due to the use of digital devices like smartphones is considered one of the major causes of eye fatigue [1-2].
[1] Paik, Hae Jung; Lim, Hyun Taek (2012). Accommodation and Convergence, Anomalies of Convergence. Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society, 53(12), 1719–.
[2] Lee, B. M., Bae, S. H., Lee, D. S., Kim, J. S. (2017). The Influence of Smartphone Use on Accommodative and Convergence Function. The Korean Ophthalmological Society, 57.

According to a paper published in 2017, it was confirmed that the intake of Perilla Frutescens extract could have a positive effect on improving near point convergence.

"The comparison of the average near point convergence results showed a significant decrease of approximately -0.86 ± 0.16 cm in the Perilla Frutescens extract intake group."

Reference :  Jeong, K., Kim, J.Y., Choi, C., & Ryu, G. (2017). Effects of Perilla frutescens var. acuta Aqueous Extract on the Visual Function.
2. Increases cGMP

When the eyes become fatigued, symptoms like stiffness or blurriness in the eyes may occur, but it can also lead to symptoms in other parts of the body, such as headaches, neck and shoulder pain. One of the extraocular muscles closely related to such eye fatigue is the "ciliary muscle."

The ciliary muscle is a type of "smooth muscle" that surrounds internal organs like blood vessels and the digestive tract, and it plays a role in controlling the thickness of the lens. However, when you stare at close objects for an extended period, the ciliary muscle has to exert prolonged effort, leading to fatigue in this muscle. This fatigue affects the eye's focusing ability and can have a negative impact on vision.
[3] Park, S.-Y., Yoon, Y.-D., Kim, D.-H., & Lee, D.-H. (2020). Improvement effect of Functional Myopia by Using of Vision Training Device(OTUS). Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, 11(2), 147–154.

cGMP plays a crucial role in the relaxation of the ciliary muscle. It is known that an increase in cGMP levels can induce the relaxation of the ciliary muscle in the eye[4].
[4] Kim, Jaeyong; Kang, Huwon; Choi, Hakjoon; Jo, Ara; Oh, Dooi-Ri; Kim, Yujin; Im, Sojeong; Lee, Seul-Gi; Jeong, Kyeong-In; Ryu, Geun-Chang; Choi, Chulyung (2018). Aqueous Extract of Perilla frutescens var. acuta Relaxes the Ciliary Smooth Muscle by Increasing NO/cGMP Content In Vitro and In Vivo. Molecules, 23(7), 1777–.

In a research paper published in 2017 in the Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, it was confirmed that the intake of perilla frutescens extract can help increase cGMP levels[4].

"PFA (perilla frutescens extract) also mediated the relaxation of ciliary smooth muscles through the cGMP pathway, and in clinical studies, there was a significant improvement in binocular accommodative ability compared to the placebo group."

Reference :  Kim, J., Choi, H., Kim, M., Oh, D., Kim, Y., Kang, H., Jeong, K., Ryu, G., Pan, S., & Choi, C. (2017). Amelioration of Visual Display Terminal-induced Ocular Fatigue by Aqueous Extracts of Perilla frutescens var. acuta. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 5, 553-561.
3. Improves Inflammatory Cytokines

People suffering from dry eye syndrome complain of symptoms such as burning eyes, a sensation of foreign particles like grains of sand, and easily fatigued eyes. This condition is closely related to a sebaceous gland in our eyes called "Meibomian gland." The Meibomian gland secretes lipids in the eyelids, contributing to the smooth movement of the eyeball and eyelids.

Therefore, one of the primary causes of dry eye syndrome is attributed to the dysfunction of the Meibomian glands. Dysfunction of these glands is closely related to inflammatory cytokines. In cases of Meibomian gland dysfunction, the levels of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF-α tend to increase[5].
[5] Li, Min; Yu, Yunjie; Yuan, Ying; Wang, Peng; Hu, Xiaojun; Zhu, Chengcheng; Ke, Bilian (2020). Rete ridges in eyelid margin and inflammatory cytokines in meibomian gland dysfunction associated with dry eye symptom. Current Eye Research, (), 02713683.2020.1788102–.

In this regard, there is research showing that the intake of luteolin, an active component of Perilla Frutescens extract, significantly reduces the average serum levels of IL-6 and TNF[5].
*Active component: A substance that is expected to directly or indirectly manifest the efficacy or effect of a component.

"The average serum IL-6 and TNF levels significantly decreased compared to the initial levels at the end of the treatment period."

Reference :  Tsilioni, I., Taliou, A., Francis, K. et al. (2015) Children with autism spectrum disorders, who improved with a luteolin-containing dietary formulation, show reduced serum levels of TNF and IL-6. Transl Psychiatry 5, e647.

Today, we've focused on the efficacy of perilla frutescens extract, especially concerning eye fatigue. Perilla frutescens extract offers various health benefits when consumed, not limited to relieving eye fatigue.

The key component of perilla frutescens extract, luteolin, is known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic, and anti-cancer effects. Due to these properties, it is believed to be helpful in preventing vascular diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disorders[6]. In 2021, a review paper summarizing animal experiments suggested that luteolin could alleviate both brain glucose metabolism disorders, considered a cause of Alzheimer's disease, and neuroinflammation[7].
[6] Ambasta, Rashmi K; Gupta, Rohan; Kumar, Dhiraj; Bhattacharya, Saurabh; Sarkar, Aditi; Kumar, Pravir (2018). Can luteolin be a therapeutic molecule for both colon cancer and diabetes?. Briefings in Functional Genomics, (), –.
[7] Daily james w., kang suna, park sunmin. (2021). Protection against Alzheimer’s Disease by Luteolin: Role of Brain Glucose Regulation, Anti-Inflammatory Activity, and the Gut Microbiota-Liver-Brain Axis. Biofactors, 47(2), 218–231..

I hope you have a healthy day both physically and mentally. This was Jinny.

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