[Effects of Aloe Gel] From Colon Cancer Prevention  to Skin Elasticity? 3 Benefits of Aloe Gel

[Effects of Aloe Gel] From Colon Cancer Prevention to Skin Elasticity? 3 Benefits of Aloe Gel

Dec 03, 2023Sunhyo Kim

[Effects of Aloe Gel] From Colon Cancer Prevention

to Skin Elasticity? 3 Benefits of Aloe Gel

Aloe Gel
All Rounder Aloe Gel. It’s Better When You Consume it
This content is health information about ingredients and not directly related to a specific product.
Effects of Aloe Gel
1. Improves peptic ulcers
2. Improves inflammatory bowel disease
3. Improves facial wrinkles and elasticity

Hello, I am Jinny, a pharmacist.

The most frequently sought-after skin care ingredient in the summer is probably aloe. Haven't you all had the experience of applying a thick layer of aloe soothing gel stored in the refrigerator to soothe your reddened skin from the summer heat and UV rays? Aloe, a skin care ingredient that we are familiar with, is actually an ingredient that has more benefits when consumed.

Research results have accumulated showing that the polysaccharides rich in 'aloe gel', which refers to the gel part of the Aloe vera leaf with the skin removed, has the effect of improving immunity, intestinal health, and skin health when taken orally. In addition, research results have recently been reported in academic circles showing that consumption of aloe gel can improve the intestinal mucosa, regulate the intestinal immune system, suppress the development of colon tumors, and contribute to the prevention of colon cancer.

[Source] Im, S. A., Kim, J. W., Kim, H. S., Park, C. S., Shin, E., Do, S. G., ... & Lee, C. K. (2016). Prevention of azoxymethane/dextran sodium sulfate-induced mouse colon carcinogenesis by processed Aloe vera gel. International immunopharmacology, 40, 428-435.

According to these accumulated research results from academia, Korea's Ministry of Food and Drug Safety also recognizes the triple functionality of improving immunity, skin health, and intestinal health for aloe gel containing more than 3% of the core ingredient 'polysaccharide'. As the benefits of consumption of aloe gel are complex, today we will look at which people in particular should pay attention to aloe gel through human application tests.

1. Improves Peptic Ulcers

When the three functions of aloe gel - improving immunity, skin health, and intestinal health - work together, the body organ that can expect the greatest benefit is the digestive system. The digestive system is made up of mucous membrane tissue and is an organ that accepts food from outside. Therefore, it is easy for bacteria to invade, so proper immunity and the health of the mucous membrane (skin) are important to maintain health.

Academic circles also took note of this and evaluated the effects of consuming aloe vera gel on actual patients with peptic ulcers. In this study, which confirmed the improvement of severe peptic ulcers following 45 days of aloe vera gel consumption, the authors present the study's conclusions as follows:

"Many patients have completely recovered from acute peptic ulcers, which is due to aloe gel's inhibition of hydrochloric acid secretion, pepsin assimilation, and overall detoxification... Aloe vera gel protects the stomach lining from stomach acid when it is irritated or damaged. “Aloe vera gel is not only easily absorbed by the stomach, but also neutralizes excess stomach acid and promotes a healing environment for ulcers.”

Reference :  Rajendran, A., Sobiya, G., & Gnanavel, I. (2008). Study on the effective supplementation of Aloe vera gel antacid to peptic ulcer patients. Res J Medicine & Med Sci, 3(2), 132-134.
Improves Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Even before the functionality of aloe gel was scientifically identified, aloe gel was a food ingredient that was consumed daily for skin and intestinal health. Particularly in Western countries, the folk remedy of consuming aloe seems to have become popular not only for improving constipation but also for improving inflammatory bowel disease accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fever.

As these folk remedies become popular, there is a need in academia to review the benefits and safety of consuming aloe gel in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Accordingly, a human application study was conducted to evaluate the effect of ingestion of aloe vera gel on 44 patients with inflammatory bowel disease. This study confirmed the clinical improvement of inflammatory bowel disease and the safety of ingestion of aloe vera gel.

“In the group that consumed aloe vera for 4 weeks, frequent clinical improvements were confirmed compared to the group that consumed placebo. Additionally, aloe vera gel reduced histological disease activity and was found to be safe.”

Reference :  Langmead, L., Feakins, R. M., Goldthorpe, S., Holt, H., Tsironi, E., De Silva, A., ... & Rampton, D. S. (2004). Randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial of oral aloe vera gel for active ulcerative colitis. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 19(7), 739-747..
3. Improves Facial Wrinkles and Elasticity

Through the studies introduced earlier, I think you have fully understood how the complex functionality of aloe gel contributes to improving inflammation in the digestive system and maintaining mucous membrane health. However, since it is a widely used ingredient in skin care, it would be a shame not to check whether it can actually help the health of ‘facial skin’ through oral consumption.

In 2009, the results of a human application test that evaluated the effects of consuming aloe vera gel for 90 days on 30 healthy female subjects over 45 years of age were already reported in academia. In this study, improvement in facial wrinkles and skin elasticity was confirmed from consumption of aloe gel. The authors reveal the results of the study as follows.

“Aloe gel significantly improves wrinkles and elasticity in photo-aged human skin by increasing collagen production in photo-aged skin and reducing MMP-1 gene expression, which decomposes collagen.”

Reference :  Cho, S., Lee, S., Lee, M. J., Lee, D. H., Won, C. H., Kim, S. M., & Chung, J. H. (2009). Dietary Aloe vera supplementation improves facial wrinkles and elasticity and it increases the type I procollagen gene expression in human skin in vivo. Annals of dermatology, 21(1), 6-11.

Today, we learned about aloe gel that can be either applied or eaten. While preparing to introduce aloe gel, I found that there are people who are already aware of these benefits and are consuming aloe juice or aloe leaves. The key ingredient that provides the same benefits as introduced today is 'polysaccharide' in aloe gel. As such, it would be more beneficial to choose 'Aloe gel', a health functional food whose total polysaccharide content has been confirmed by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

I hope you have a healthy day both physically and mentally. This was Jinny.

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