Why is the standard for advanced pregnancy 35 years old?
A high-risk pregnancy is a pregnancy with a high-risk pregnancy risk factor that is more likely to have adverse outcomes for the mother and her fetus. High-risk factors involved in high-risk pregnancies include the age of the pregnant woman, medical and surgical conditions that precede pregnancy, and medical and obstetric conditions that occur during pregnancy.
Age is the most common risk factor for high-risk pregnancies. Older pregnancies with an age of 35 years or older at the time of delivery and adolescent pregnancies under 17 years of age are at high risk. Especially if you're over 40, you're more likely to have miscarriages, chromosomal disorders, and so on. And this age is based on your actual age rather than your physical age.
Does dad's age have anything to do with it?
A lot of people think so, but it's not. The older the father, the higher the risk of negative pregnancy outcomes and the health of the baby. The older the dad, the worse the condition of the semen. The proportion of malformed sperm and the percentage of DNA damage in the sperm increases. As a result, there may be a slight increase in the risk of spontaneous abortion and stillbirth, as well as premature births and low birth weight. In addition, the frequency of chondrodysplasia, schizophrenia, and autism in newborns is also said to increase slightly.
What are the chances of getting pregnant naturally after 40?
In fact, as we get older, the chances of getting pregnant naturally decrease. Fertility typically begins to decline in the early 30s and declines sharply in the late 30s. Therefore, the natural pregnancy rate after the age of 40 is estimated to be about 5~10%. Especially after the age of 45, it is less than 5%. That's a significant drop from the 40% mark in the 20s.
In the case of older pregnancies, is the risk of miscarriage higher than in young pregnancies?
Yes that's right. After the age of 40, the prevalence of miscarriage also increases. Compared to 2~30% in the early 40s, it increases to more than 50% in the 45 and over.
In the case of older pregnancies, is there a higher risk of preeclampsia?
Yes that's right. Preeclampsia is not as addicted to pregnancy as it sounds. It refers to a hypertensive disease associated with pregnancy. I didn't have high blood pressure before pregnancy, but when I developed high blood pressure during pregnancy, I had complications associated with it, so it's called preeclampsia, pre-eclampsia.
Older pregnant women are more likely to suffer from placental problems, high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, and pre-eclampsia. Therefore, you are more likely to have a cesarean section than to have a vaginal birth.
Can older pregnancies not result in natural childbirth?
Natural childbirth is possible. However, the older you get, the more medical conditions you have, and the less flexible your pelvis becomes. That's why you're more likely to have a cesarean section than to have a vaginal birth.
What elderly pregnant women should pay special attention to
While it is true that pregnancy rates decrease in people over 40, maintaining a healthy weight and eating healthy habits can help increase the natural pregnancy rate. Obesity can be the cause of infertility, so you should try to maintain a normal weight, eat healthily and diet without starving yourself. That's why it's important to make sure you're getting the right amount of calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals. As you all know, you should avoid alcohol and soda and quit smoking.
Also, eating a lot of green vegetables like kale, broccoli, and spinach helps. If you can't supplement your diet, you may be able to take supplements such as folic acid, vitamins, and calcium supplements. Although the pregnancy rate drops after the age of 40, many people are now giving birth healthily in their 40s.
Therefore, if you have any concerns, it is better to consult with your obstetrician and gynecologist and receive help from medical science, which is improving day by day. If you live a healthy life every day, take supplements, and consult your doctor, you will be able to achieve good results.
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