Don't drink water at night, 8 factors that prevent you from falling asleep

Don't drink water at night, 8 factors that prevent you from falling asleep

Dec 18, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy



First, a late-night snack


Today, we're going to tell you 8 factors that prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. The first is a late-night snack. Our stomach is mixed with stomach acid secreted by the stomach along with food. The stomach itself is resistant to acidic environments, so there are no problems with stomach acid either. However, the esophagus is weak to acidity, and when stomach acid rises, the esophageal wall breaks down, causing pain and pain. This is called acid reflux. When you lie down after eating a late-night snack, the stomach acid secreted to digest food refluxes into the esophagus, making it easy to develop acid reflux.


Second, drinking


The second is drinking. Many people feel that drinking alcohol at night helps them fall asleep. However, while drinking alcohol can help you fall asleep faster, the depth of your sleep becomes shallower. In addition, you may feel thirsty and urinate at night, which reduces the overall quality of your sleep.


Third, hydrate


The third is fluid intake. It is said that 70% of middle-aged men frequently use the bathroom at night. We don't classify it as a disease, but if you go to the bathroom more than once, you won't sleep well that night. People with an enlarged prostate or a sensitive bladder are especially advised not to drink water at night.


Fourth, caffeine


The fourth is caffeine. Did you know that coffee is not the only food that contains caffeine than you think? Chocolate, for example, contains quite a bit of caffeine. Green tea, oolong tea, iced tea, and cola also contain caffeine. Among medicines, painkillers and general cold medicines contain a little caffeine to decongestion the nasal passages. Caffeine takes six hours to halve in your body, so it's best to consume it only in the morning and avoid it after 6 p.m. if possible.


Fifth, tobacco


The fifth is tobacco. The nicotine in cigarettes stimulates our brain and prevents us from falling asleep. In fact, patients who receive smoking cessation treatment often complain of drowsiness because they are accustomed to the constant tension caused by nicotine.


Sixth, the mobile phone


The sixth is mobile phones. Melatonin is also called the Dracula hormone because it is not secreted smoothly when exposed to light. The blue light emitted by mobile phones interferes with the secretion of melatonin, which induces a good night's sleep. It is recommended to avoid not only mobile phones, but also electronic devices that can output blue light before going to bed.


Seventh, exercise


The seventh is exercise. A light walk after dinner is good for our body's health. However, strenuous exercise interferes with sleep by releasing stress hormones and activating the sympathetic nervous system. Especially after 6~7 p.m., it is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise and do stretching like walking or yoga.


Eighth, emotional agitation


Lastly, it is about stirring up emotions. Excessive exposure to negative emotions, such as resentment or fear, as well as heart-wrenching and happy emotions, can interfere with a good night's sleep. Even if these feelings are good for us, it's better to keep our minds and bodies calm at night.




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