Detecting systemic diseases through the eyes? About Neuroophthalmology

Detecting systemic diseases through the eyes? About Neuroophthalmology

Dec 17, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy


What is neuroophthalmology?

Ophthalmology can be broadly divided into the following six parts.


1. Lasik and Cataract Surgery
2. Retinal parts that deal with macular degeneration and retinal detachment
3. Glaucoma part that deals with glaucoma caused by optic nerve abnormalities
4. Plastic ophthalmology parts that deal with eyelids, eye sockets*, tear ducts, etc.
5. Pediatric Ophthalmology Part Dealing with Ophthalmic Diseases Occurring in Pediatric Age
6. Neuro-ophthalmology part dealing with diseases related to nerves distributed in the eye

Among them, 'neuro-ophthalmology' is one of the ophthalmology subspecialties that deals with the symptoms of the eyes that manifest in the whole body or the brain. It is a field that is not well known in Korea, and it is a department that diagnoses systemic diseases through the eyes and helps to create a unified diagnosis name for patients by handing over patients to the department in charge of the causative diseases that cause eye problems.


For example, if a patient with prostate cancer suddenly sees two objects, it may be suspected that the prostate cancer has spread to the brain and the nerves are paralyzed.

Or, the cause of swollen eyes and loss of vision may be due to increased cerebral pressure caused by acne medications such as isotretinoin and tetracycline antibiotics. As such, there are cases where there are systemic diseases or the medications taken cause problems related to the eyes, which is why there is a separate department called neuro-ophthalmology.


Even if you don't have any particular eye problems, you may have problems with the nerves that run from your eyes to your brain, making it difficult to "see." If you experience symptoms such as unexplained vision loss, facial pain, or double vision, you should visit a neuro-ophthalmologist who has a wide spectrum that best describes the patient's various symptoms beyond just the symptoms that appear in the eyes, and find out the causative factors such as drug side effects and systemic diseases for treatment.

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