Alcoholic pseudodementia, which is the cause of dementia, is cured by quitting alcohol

Alcoholic pseudodementia, which is the cause of dementia, is cured by quitting alcohol

Dec 17, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy


What is alcoholic pseudodementia?

'Pseudodementia' is a symptom that does not have actual dementia, but shows symptoms of dementia. Alcohol-related pseudodementia is a temporary phenomenon in which the brain function is temporarily suspended due to stress on the body due to alcohol, and it refers to a condition in which the brain is unable to work due to the stress of the human body, and it refers to a condition in which the brain is unable to work even though there is no actual decrease in function.

In general, the background of alcoholic pseudodementia is habitual alcohol consumption due to depression, and the main symptom is a decrease in concentration and memory. However, since it is not an actual intellectual disorder, it can be treated with antidepressants and sobriety.


Alcoholic pseudodementia can be treated by quitting alcohol

Dementia is a condition in which memory loss persists for more than two months and is difficult to recover. The main symptom is cognitive decline such as memory, judgment, and performance.

Fortunately, alcoholic pseudodementia is not actual dementia, so once the causative factors are resolved, brain function returns to normal. However, if the causative factor that causes stress is resolved as soon as possible, it will return immediately, but if the causative situation is left unattended for a long time, it may progress to dementia because the brain continues to be suppressed. In fact, the biggest cause of dementia is pseudodementia. Therefore, if you notice the symptoms, you should combine abstinence from alcohol with medication as soon as possible.


Alcoholic dementia cannot be reversed when it progresses

In the early stages, the level is measured so that the level does not fall excessively when the nine cognitive function tests are performed, so it can be treated by eliminating the causative factor and proceeding with prevention. However, if alcohol dependence has progressed due to stress or depression, the cognitive function test may be greatly impaired.

If you take an image of the brain of an alcoholic patient, you can see that the cerebellum and frontal lobe are somewhat dry. In addition to alcohol-induced cognitive dysfunction and dementia, it can also lead to Kolsakoff syndrome, which is numbness in the limbs. It's important to remember that the above symptoms are difficult to recover from even if you stop drinking.


This is not only the case for older people, but also for younger people, so it is important to adopt good drinking habits, such as drinking to the point of not getting drunk and not allowing alcohol to be the purpose of the gathering.




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