What is fentanyl?
Fentanyl is a type of opiate derivative and is one of the most common opioid painkillers.Fentanyl has nearly 100 times the potency of morphine, a well-known drug, so it should be used with extreme caution. In practice, fentanyl is used only in cases such as intraoperative general anesthesia, postoperative pain control, painless injections, and cancer pain. Patients are often prescribed oxycodone* rather than fentanyl, but when fentanyl is used on an outpatient basis, liquid injections or patches are prescribed rather than pills. This is because the patch absorbs the drug more slowly, making it safer and less prone to abuse
Cases of Fentanyl Abuse
Narcotic painkillers such as fentanyl are prescribed only for pain that cannot be controlled with other medications, but there are often cases of misuse at the request of the patient. In particular, there are cases where patients who demand a prescription for patches while presenting their alien registration numbers or identities that are easy to steal are selling patch preparations that they have collected while visiting various hospitals. In fact, if you ask if they have a serious illness or pain that warrants a prescription for fentanyl and recommend a test, most people avoid it or refuse the test.
Problems when taking fentanyl
Fentanyl should be taken with extreme caution. All narcotics have a common inhibitory effect on the respiratory center, so if you take too much narcotics in a short period of time, you will not be able to breathe and suffocate due to paralysis of the respiratory center. In a real hospital environment, there is no problem because narcotics are administered with a monitoring device that can support breathing or a preparation to secure the airway, but if an addict administers it at home, he or she will not wake up and will die.
Addicts initially start using drugs to feel emotional comfort, ecstasy. However, as you take all narcotics, your threshold gradually rises, and eventually you need a very large dose. If you don't administer the desired dose of the drug on time, you will experience severe withdrawal symptoms, especially fentanyl, which is characterized by intense pain throughout the body. In addition to psychological dependence, there are many people who are obsessed with the idea that they will die if they don't take drugs, so they have no choice but to continue taking drugs.
This drug administration causes addicts to suffer both physically and mentally. In the early stages of drug administration, constipation, nausea, vomiting, and itching may occur, and in the end, these side effects gradually disappear, but serious psychological side effects such as cognitive decline, memory loss, and personality changes appear.
Reminders to take fentanyl
The answer is not to start drugs. When narcotics are used in hospitals, the drugs are stored in a safe deposit box, and two or more health care providers review the dosage, dosage, and disposal of the drug, so there is not much of a risk of misuse. However, if you start drugs prematurely with drugs on the market, you may fall into a vicious cycle where the dose will gradually increase and you will not be able to quit the drug due to withdrawal symptoms. Teenagers and 20-somethings who have not yet developed sufficient judgment skills may need to be especially wary of fentanyl.
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