Essential species include Lactobacillus and Bifidus.There are many different types of probiotics. Among them, the strains recognized by the World Health Organization for their functionality and safety are Lactobacillus and Bifidus. The reason why both of these strains are needed is that each species is slightly different in the places where it is most active. Lactobacillus is well active in the small intestine and bifidus is active in the large intestine. Just as important as the large intestine is the small intestine. In the small intestine, immune substances are secreted. In addition, most of the absorption of nutrients takes place in the small intestine. Basically, you can take these two strains and add the strains that have been recognized separately for their function, depending on your health condition.
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety recognizes the functionality of probiotics from 100 million animals. However, it is recommended that you eat enough of it. The maximum amount certified by the Food and Drug Administration is 10 billion, so it is recommended that at least 10 billion per capsule be guaranteed until the end of the shelf life. This is because it is important to have enough water to tolerate stomach and bile acids and to reach the intestines alive.
This is because even the same Lactobacillus or Bifidus have hundreds of species depending on their genetic type. First of all, it is important to be able to survive through stomach and bile acids to the intestines when ingested. Even if it makes it to the intestines alive, it is also important to have the ability to settle and stick to the intestinal mucosa. Once established, it must also have a good ability to reliably suppress harmful bacteria. Even strains of the same name have different abilities. Each company that develops the strain attaches a unique number to the strain, just like a person's social security number. For example, the same Lactobacillus has been clinically tested and has a unique number.
Prebiotics are food for beneficial bacteria. Prebiotics are ingredients such as dietary fiber and oligosaccharides that help the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the gut and feed the beneficial bacteria. In order to have a sufficient number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine for a long time, the capsule must contain a sufficient amount of dietary fiber, or prebiotics, which feed the beneficial bacteria along with the beneficial bacteria
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