The main role in the anti-fatigue action is the variety of B vitamins contained in multivitamins. B vitamins are made up of 8 B vitamins in all. B1 thiamine, B2 riboflavin, B3 niacin, B5 pantothenic acid, B6 pyridoxine, B7 biotin, B9 folic acid, and B12 cobalamine. They have in common a boost in energy metabolism within the cell. In other words, it plays the role of bellows so that the food we eat can burn well. To use the analogy of a car again, it is a power booster that improves the power of the engine. When the car goes up a hill, the engine exerts great power and helps it go up easily.
Vitamin B is common in improving fatigue
Common to most supplements designed to improve fatigue today are B vitamins. If you're hiking or working late at night, if you're going on a long trip abroad, or if you're taking an important exam period, consider increasing your dose of B vitamins. It will help you feel more energized and in good shape.
Third, it contains minerals and trace elements in multivitamins
Multivitamins contain calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, and other minerals and trace elements in ideal ratios. Calcium and magnesium help build bones and stabilize nerves, while zinc helps boost immunity. Trace elements such as selenium, iodine, and copper are also important. Trace elements are substances in very small amounts that help the body function and play a supporting role in enzyme-driven metabolism along with vitamins. For example, selenium, one of the leading antioxidant trace elements, should be consumed at about 55 μg per day. However, in our country, there are many areas where the soil is made of granite, so plants grown in these areas are prone to lack selenium.
Multivitamins are the primary nutrient for nutrient balance
Selenium's antioxidant power is said to be 1,970 times higher than that of vitamin E, and it is also nicknamed the "detoxification mineral" because it inhibits the growth of cancer cells and helps excrete heavy metals. People who take medications for arthritis, diabetes, and high blood pressure may be deficient in selenium. Therefore, it is recommended that these people take a multivitamin that contains selenium. Multivitamins contain dozens of vitamins and trace elements at once, and are the most basic nutritional supplements that can efficiently correct the balance of nutrients.
A multivitamin recommended by Harvard
In 2002, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health published a historic revision of the food pyramid, formally recommending that most people take a multivitamin. My first recommendation to patients who want to take nutritional supplements is a multivitamin.
Balance Nutrients
If you eat a lot of calcium pills because your bones are weak, a lot of magnesium, which interacts with calcium, will be lost from your body, which can cause your eyelids to twitch sweetly. If you give too much zinc to a young child who is underweight to boost his or her immune system, it may lack copper, which can lead to hair loss, anemia, or headaches. Multivitamins are formulated with a good balance of calcium and magnesium and zinc and copper, which can help prevent the relative deficiency of one nutrient from being overdosed of another.
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