Will it be the new Corona? Symptoms and Infectious Factors of Monkeypox Infectious Disease Specialist Hye-jin Shi

Will it be the new Corona? Symptoms and Infectious Factors of Monkeypox Infectious Disease Specialist Hye-jin Shi

Dec 14, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy


1. What is Empox?
What is Empox?
Mpox refers to an acute infectious disease that refers to an acute fever and rash illness that originated from the monkeypox virus. Empox was first discovered in laboratory-bred monkeys in 1958 and became endemic in the rainforests of the Congo, Central and West Africa after cases of human infection occurred in the 70s. Since May 2022, the number of cases of human infection outside endemic areas has been increasing, mainly in Europe and North America, and is currently attracting attention.
2. Symptoms of Empox
What are the symptoms of Empox?
Most of the patients with Empox complain of symptoms similar to general body aches such as fever, lymphoma edema, fatigue, and muscle pain, and then appear with painful rash and skin lesions 1~4 days later. In particular, it is characterized by the appearance of non-specific rashes such as pimples or ulcerative boils around the genitals. However, it is difficult to differentiate Empox based on symptoms alone, and contact history with symptoms is a very important diagnostic criterion.
3. The main source of infection of Empox
What are the main infectious factors of Empox?

Outside of the endemic disease, most cases of Empox infection are spread through close contact. Most of the confirmed cases so far involve sexual contact, but it is also possible to be infected by touching the affected area for a long time in addition to sexual intercourse.


Many people are worried that Mpox will become an epidemic like COVID-19 because of the common infectious disease. Since the main route of infection is through close contact, and droplets or airborne transmission is less likely like COVID-19, there is no need to worry if you have not been in contact with it.


4. Therapy of Empox
How is the treatment of Empox done?

In the case of Empox, which is endemic in tropical rainforests, the mortality rate is about 10%, but the current global epidemic has a mortality rate of only about 1%, and most of them are found to be cured spontaneously. Therefore, if there is still a rash, symptomatic treatment is based on disinfecting the affected area and prescribing antipyretics or painkillers.


However, in high-risk groups such as immunocompromised people such as HIV carriers, pregnant women, and children, the mortality rate may increase, so the antiviral drug tecovirimat is used. Tecovirimat is a pox drug approved in 2018 to inhibit the growth and spread of the virus.


5. Vaccine against Empox
Is there a vaccine to prevent Empox?
Empox's vaccine is a third-generation vaccine that uses Jynneos, which is an attenuated version of the virus. Since the death rate is not high when infected and it is not widely transmitted like COVID-19, it is mainly given to healthcare workers who need to treat confirmed cases or patients with high-risk exposures.
6. What to do if you have symptoms of Mpox
What should I do if I have symptoms of suspected Empox?
If you have had prolonged contact with a confirmed or suspected patient within three weeks of the onset of symptoms, including sexual intercourse, or if you have visited an endemic area, it is recommended that you call 1339 or visit a healthcare provider to avoid contact with others.


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