What is a nerve block, a cheap and easy procedure to reduce back pain? Orthopedic Surgeon Soonwoo Hong

What is a nerve block, a cheap and easy procedure to reduce back pain? Orthopedic Surgeon Soonwoo Hong

Dec 14, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy
1. What is a nerve block?
What is a nerve block?

A nerve block is a procedure in which a drug is injected around the area that irritates the nerve to reduce the pain response. The word 'block' means that it prevents pain from reaching the nerves. Basically, nerve blocks are mainly used for spinal diseases that pinch nerves, such as herniated discs, herniated discs, and spinal stenosis, which are caused by the tissue arrangement of the discs in the lower back.


Nerve block surgery is performed without anesthesia, and it takes about 5~10 minutes to inject the drug while looking through a fluoroscopy.


2. Difference between nerve block and neuroplasty
What is the difference between a nerve block and a neuroplasty?

Some people confuse nerve blocks with neuroplasty. However, the two treatment methods are different. Neuroplasty is a procedure that uses a tube with a curved end to sweep the painful area to remove inflammatory adhesions and inject drugs into the correct location, allowing you to go deeper into the nerve lesion than a nerve block. However, neuroplasty does not apply reimbursement and requires a cost of more than 1 million won, while nerve block surgery can be performed for about 5~100,000 won.


For the first treatment, it is recommended that you have a simple nerve block first, which is inexpensive. However, if the pain persists for a long time after a nerve block, you may want to consider neuroplasty in consultation with a specialist.

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