It is dangerous if it exceeds 48 hours, causes and treatment of facial paralysisOtolaryngologist Seung-geun Yeo & Rehabilitation Medicine Specialist Dong-Hwi Kim & Otolaryngologist Jin Kim

It is dangerous if it exceeds 48 hours, causes and treatment of facial paralysisOtolaryngologist Seung-geun Yeo & Rehabilitation Medicine Specialist Dong-Hwi Kim & Otolaryngologist Jin Kim

Dec 14, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy


1. Statistics on the occurrence of facial paralysis
What is the number of facial paralysis patients in the country?
According to the statistics of the Korean Facial Neurological Society, the number of facial paralysis patients in Korea was around 80,000 in 2017, but it has been increasing to 90,000 and 100,000 in 2020. It has increased by 42% in the last 10 years and by 14% in the last five years.

Facial paralysis is more common in older people than in younger people, so it is roughly four times more likely to occur in people in their 50s than in their 20s.


2. Causes of facial paralysis
Why does facial paralysis occur?

The causes of facial paralysis are broadly divided into central and peripheral. Central facial palsy is caused by lesions in the brain and can lead to systemic symptoms such as upper and lower limb hemiplegia and speech disorders.


The most common cause of peripheral facial paralysis is 'Bell's palsy', which is paralysis for unknown reasonsThe second most common cause is Ramsay Hunt syndrome, a virus caused by shingles. If you look at the statistics of total facial paralysis and high-dose steroid treatments, Bell's palsy and Ramsay Hunt syndrome account for 67%, or two-thirds. The difference from central facial palsy is that it does not cause systemic symptoms other than the facial part.


Central facial palsy has wrinkles on the forehead, while peripheral facial palsy does not have wrinkles on the forehead. After self-diagnosis, MRI or electromyography can be performed accordingly to determine the next prognosis. In the case of peripheral facial paralysis, the better prognosis is to use high-dose steroids as soon as possible


3. Golden time for facial paralysis treatment
Tell us the golden time for facial paralysis treatment!

Simply put, the sooner you treat it, the better the prognosis.


From the Korean Academy of Otolaryngology, the Korean Academy of Otolaryngology recommends treatment as soon as possible, and the American Academy of Otolaryngology recommends the use of high-dose steroids within 72 hours.

Recent literature has shown that steroids are 80% cured within 6 months if used within 48 hours, and 60% within 6 months if used after 72 hours. In conclusion, the golden time is 48 hours and the maximum is 72 hours.


4. The Need for Treatment with Steroid Preparations
Do steroids have side effects?
When facial paralysis occurs, facial nerve degeneration begins two days later. Steroids can have side effects, but you should use them because they do a tremendous job despite the side effects. This is because the side effects are temporary, but the sequelae of facial disorders can last a lifetime.
5. Treatment of facial paralysis
Which hospital should I go to when I have facial paralysis?
Societies around the world, including the United States, Canada, Europe, and Japan, say that if Bell's palsy is the cause of facial paralysis, high-dose steroids should be used within 48 to 72 hours. If you provide this kind of proper treatment, it has nothing to do with neurology, family medicine, internal medicine, or other medical departments. Among them, it is best to visit a facial paralysis specialist who has specialized knowledge of facial nerves.



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