Do teeth melt? Why scaling is essentialDental specialist Ryu Sung-yong

Do teeth melt? Why scaling is essentialDental specialist Ryu Sung-yong

Dec 14, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy


1. Neurotherapy and periodontal ligament
Why is periodontal ligament important for neurotherapy?

Nerve therapy is a treatment method in which a large hole is made in the tooth to remove nerve tissue and blood vessels within the tooth. In most cases, nerve treatment is chosen at a stage of damage to the tooth that is quite advanced, such as when the tooth is painful due to tooth decay, when it cannot be treated with conventional methods, or when the tooth is cracked (cracked). This process is one of the most precise and complex in dental treatment, so it is sometimes called the "flower of dental treatment."


Nerve treatment is highly preferred because it is a procedure that can save natural teeth without tooth extraction. However, there is one thing that is needed for neurotherapy, and that is periodontal ligaments. If only the root is healthy, the tooth can often be saved as a natural tooth through nerve treatment, but if there is no periodontal ligament, there is no choice but to proceed with tooth extraction.


2. Periodontal treatment methods
Is there a way to manage periodontal ligaments?

The periodontal ligament is the connective tissue that supports the teeth. The main cause of periodontal ligament melting is tartar, and if tartar travels down to the root of the tooth, periodontal ligament can be lost. The plaque around the tooth root is used as a breeding ground for bacteria, which create inflammatory tissue around the tooth root and dissolve the bone around the tooth.


Once tartar has formed, it will never be removed even if you brush hard, so periodontal treatment including scaling is essential. Tartar that is exposed outside the gums and visible to the eye can be removed relatively easily through basic scaling, and scaling is required after anesthesia to remove tartar that has progressed to the inside of the gums.


In Korea, adults over the age of 19 are covered by scaling insurance once a year. It is recommended that you visit your dentist at least once a year for scaling.


Some people are worried that their teeth will be damaged after scaling, but there is no need to worry as there is a possibility that the root surface of the tooth covered with tartar will be exposed and cause temporary soreness.

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