Can't sleep because your legs hurt? Symptoms and Treatment of Restless Legs SyndromeNeurologists Won-Chul Shin, Won-Won Cho, Jung-Young Jung

Can't sleep because your legs hurt? Symptoms and Treatment of Restless Legs SyndromeNeurologists Won-Chul Shin, Won-Won Cho, Jung-Young Jung

Dec 17, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy



1. What is restless legs syndrome?
What is restless legs syndrome?
Restless legs syndrome is a disease that affects about 10% of the population in Korea, and in the past, it was known as postpartum syndrome, in which elderly mothers suffer from pain in their legs and cannot sleep. Compared to other diseases, the family history is 4~5 times higher, so if the mother suffers from restless legs syndrome, there is a high probability that the child will also suffer from the disease.
2. Symptoms of restless legs syndrome
What are the symptoms of restless legs syndrome?
The symptoms of restless legs syndrome vary from patient to patient. However, many patients complain that they feel discomfort when they leave their legs still and that their symptoms are worse at night than during the day, and that they have trouble sleeping at night because of these symptoms.
3. Good exercises for restless legs syndrome
Are there any good exercises for restless legs syndrome?
Restless legs syndrome can improve symptoms even after 5~20 minutes of basic stretching. Even if you don't have a specific case for restless legs syndrome, it would be nice to find some basic stretches that we can do with our legs and get help.
4. Treatment of restless legs syndrome
How is restless legs syndrome treated?

Treatment options for restless legs syndrome are as follows:


First, iron treatment


Restless legs syndrome can be treated with iron. This is because a drop in iron in a localized area of the brain is known to be the cause of the symptomsIncreasing blood iron levels by taking or injecting iron can improve the symptoms of restless legs syndrome.


Second, dopaminergic drugs


The most commonly used medications for restless legs syndrome are dopamine-based drugsWhen there is a lack of dopamine in the brain, the function of sensory control in the area related to the hypothalamus decreases, resulting in restless legs syndrome. Based on this theory, it is known that patients with restless legs syndrome have been prescribed dopamine preparations since the early 1990s.


However, if dopamine is taken for a long time, it can have side effects such as gambling and shopping, which make it difficult to control impulses. It is a good drug in the beginning, but you need to be careful about side effects.


Third, pregabalin & gabapentin


Pregabalin and gabapentin are drugs that were initially developed with the aim of inhibiting spasms, and have shown excellent effects in pain control. Pregabalin and gabapentin are used to treat most pain, but they have also been shown to be effective in restless legs syndrome. European and international restless legs syndrome guidelines list it as a first-line treatment on par with dopaminergic drugs, and studies have shown that it is equally effective or better than conventional dopaminergic drugs and has fewer long-term side effects.


However, it is still used in Korea for non-reimbursement, except for dopamine preparations, which has the disadvantage of high cost.

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