Height growth stops! What are the causes, symptoms, and treatment of precocious puberty?

Height growth stops! What are the causes, symptoms, and treatment of precocious puberty?

Dec 17, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy

What is precocious puberty?


Precocious puberty refers to the onset of secondary sex characteristics associated with puberty before the age of 8 in girls and before the age of 9 in boys. In general, puberty begins around 10 years of age for girls and enlarged testicles around 12 years of age for boys.


When precocious puberty occurs, the child may not be tall enough compared to his peers due to the rapid maturation of his bones, and the early manifestation of secondary sex characteristics can lead to problems in behavior and social adjustment.


Causes of precocious puberty


The causes of precocious puberty are usually unprovoked in girls. However, in boys, about half of the cases are caused by brain diseases such as encephalitis or brain tumor hydrocephalus, hypothyroidism, and drugs containing steroids or sex hormones.


Treatment of precocious puberty


In the treatment of precocious puberty, if there is a specific cause, treatment of the cause takes precedence.


However, in the case of idiopathic precocious puberty that occurs without a specific cause, gonadotropin or releasing hormone inhibitors are used every 3~4 weeks. The treatment period varies depending on the level of bone maturity, but it is usually done for 2~5 years, and the end of treatment is considered around the age of 11 for girls and around the age of 12 for boys.


Prevention of precocious puberty


In some cases, legumes containing estrogen-like components are restricted to prevent precocious puberty, but there is no clear causal relationship between estrogen-like components and precocious puberty. Rather, the most important thing is to manage your weight so that you don't become obese.

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