Do vitamin D and omega-3s prevent autoimmune diseases? Professor Karen of Harvard University

Do vitamin D and omega-3s prevent autoimmune diseases? Professor Karen of Harvard University

Dec 18, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy


Research on the effects of vitamin D and omega-3 intake on autoimmune diseases


This is a large-scale clinical study. A total of 25,871 women aged 55 years and older and men aged 50 years and older were randomly divided into four groups. Everyone was given two medications, but we didn't tell them if they were placebos or real vitamins. The participants took vitamin D and omega-3s for five years.


The vitamin D alone group had a 32% reduction in the incidence of autoimmune diseases, the omega-3 group had a 26% reduction in the incidence of autoimmune diseases, and the group that took both vitamin D and omega-3s had a 31% reduction in the incidence of autoimmune diseases. The results showed that both vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids have immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory properties.


Is it good to take vitamin D and omega-3 from an early age?


If you have a family history and are worried about illness, it would be a good idea to start eating from the age of 50 for men and from the age of 55 for women.


"I have an autoimmune disease, should my children start taking vitamins as a preventative measure?" I answer, "It depends on the age of the child." If your child is older, we recommend that you take it. But if you're 10, 15, 5 or younger, it's hard for me to answer. I'm cautious because the study wasn't conducted in a younger group. I hope to do some research on this one day.


In addition, vitamin D and omega-3 supplementation did not immediately produce the same protection. After 2~3 years of ingestion, there was a clear preventive effect. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it for a long time to have a preventive effect.


Precautions when taking vitamin D or omega-3


In the case of omega-3s, you need to look carefully at the label. You have to look for mercury and other contaminants. We recommend omega-3s that contain both DHA and EPAIf you're using anticoagulants, you should be careful with omega-3s as they can cause bleeding.

Consult your physician before taking vitamin D. You should test how much vitamin D you're getting in the sun or in your diet to make sure you're not overdose. People with kidney disease, especially those with kidney stones, should take it with extra caution. Other than that, it's generally safe 

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