Chillin toothpaste? Whitening toothpaste? Periodontists talk about toothpaste Periodontist Bae Seung-han

Chillin toothpaste? Whitening toothpaste? Periodontists talk about toothpaste Periodontist Bae Seung-han

Dec 18, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy


Shirin toothpaste


The hallmark of people with gum disease is that they have a lot of gums coming down. The root of the tooth is made of a substance called dentin, and when irritated, it can cause irritation through the ducts that connect to the nerves. That's why one of the causes of sore teeth is periodontal disease. In addition to that, toothpaste is called abrasive, which contains ingredients to remove tartar, plaque, and food better. If you brush too hard because you use a toothpaste with a lot of this abrasive, your gums will crack. In this case, too, lice can be stricken.


One of these toothpastes is a toothpaste that contains a substance called strontium chloride. This ingredient called strontium chloride seals the tubes that connect to the dentin nerves in the roots. Therefore, it has the effect of preventing the symptoms of lice and nits.


In addition, this toothpaste contains many of these chemicals, such as potassium nitrate and tricalcium phosphate. To some extent, all of these ingredients close the pores in the dentin. Therefore, it has the effect of preventing irritation to the dental nerve.


So, to sum it up, in some cases, such as this toothpaste, the ingredients are usually similar. So you can say that you can use any product. And this toothpaste is recommended not only for people in their 50s~60s who have periodontal disease, but also for those in their 20s who complain of this sore symptom. Instead, younger people should choose the one with fluoride.


High fluoride toothpaste


First, let's talk about why cavities form. Tooth decay is most common in young people. This is because tooth decay bacteria, which are the cause of tooth decay, occur more often in young people. Therefore, for those in their teens to 40s who are prone to tooth decay, we recommend high-fluoride toothpaste.


And then there's the RDA value. The RDA value is a numerical representation of how much the abrasive wears down the dentin. Usually, between 70~100 is the general RDA value, and if it is above 100, the polishing is considered to be a bit high. However, a lower RDA doesn't mean it's a better toothpaste. If you have a lot of cavities, tartar prone to tooth decay, or poor brushing habits, it is recommended to use a toothpaste with a high RDA value. So low doesn't always mean good.


Whitening toothpaste


Thirdly, let's take a look at whitening toothpaste. Whitening toothpaste is characterized by the presence of hydrogen peroxide. However, it can be said that it has little effect. For example, some toothpastes contain 2.8% hydrogen peroxide. In general dentistry, 35% is used. So it's almost ineffective, and even that 35% has to be applied to whiten and leave for almost 30 minutes to make your teeth whiter, but if you use a little toothpaste that contains 2.8% hydrogen peroxide when brushing your teeth, can your teeth turn white?

Of course, I can tell you that it's better than nothing, but I can't feel that it's white with the naked eye. So, if you really want to have an effective whitening that you can see, you need to go to the dentist and get a whitening done.


Solid Toothpaste & Pump Toothpaste


Solid toothpaste and pump toothpaste may have slightly different formulations of ingredients such as abrasives, surfactants, and fluoride.


The advantage of solid toothpaste is that it's made in a glass bottle, so it's more environmentally friendly. The ingredients are similar. So it's a bit ambiguous to say what makes it better than other tube shapes. And the pump type is thin, so it has less abrasive ingredients. Also, it has a little less surfactant, so it can bubble a little less, and it also contains moisture. In addition, this pump toothpaste is one of the recommended products because it can be adjusted in amount.


What toothpaste is good for everyday use?


I think you can use everything except whitening for daily. You can compare the ingredients and choose the toothpaste that suits you.


When you travel, you use solid toothpaste, and if you have sore teeth, it doesn't really matter what you use. If you say that tooth decay is prone to tooth decay, we recommend a high-fluoride toothpaste.


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