Nutritional supplement nihilators agree that we should eat fresh food evenly. I completely agree with this argument. We should try to eat as much food as possible and as much as possible.However, in this era of severe environmental pollution, food is no longer a perfect food.
Typical blue fish include mackerel, saury, and sardines. The unique fats of blue fish are omega-3 oils such as DHA and EPA, which help prevent heart disease and other health benefits. But that's just a story from the days when there was no pollution. In 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a joint advisory for the first time in history to limit fish consumption. This is due to heavy metals such as mercury in fish.It was. At that time, mercury was found to be above the permissible level in 7% of women in the United States. Mercury is a heavy metal that remains in the body and damages the brain and nervous system, causing various diseases such as retardation. Today, these standards have become stricter, and adult men are advised to avoid eating fish such as tilefish, swordfish, and Atlantic mackerel.
Livestock products, milk, vegetables, fruits, and other foods produced today are also contaminated. Not all of them, but quite a few livestock facilities and farms are mass-breeding or cultivating them under harsh conditions in order to lower the cost of production. Unfortunately, we are in an era where we are more likely to eat food contaminated with environmental hormones such as antibiotics and dioxins, growth hormones, and pesticides.
It is desirable that we consume nutrients in the form of food whenever possible. However, the food must be fresh and uncontaminated. If not, nutritional supplements that remove harmful ingredients and contain only active ingredients can help.
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