Pharmacist who reads papers
If you're afraid of getting older, pay attention to this
1. Improves
cholesterol2. Anti-inflammatory3
. Protects against liver damage
cholesterol2. Anti-inflammatory3
. Protects against liver damage
Hello. I'm a pharmacist Jinny.
As you enter middle age, many people are worried about visceral fat, which is concentrated in the abdomen. It's growing every year, and it's also called "night meat."
The reason why you keep gaining weight even though you don't eat more is because your basal metabolism decreases overall due to hormonal changes and loss of muscle mass due to increasing age. This increased visceral fat can cause metabolic syndrome and, in severe cases, various cardiovascular diseases.
Therefore, today we would like to take a look at 'sprouted barley', a gift of nature that can help in various ways with age-related symptoms and diseases.
1. Improves cholesterol
Metabolic syndrome refers to a condition in which a person has three or more of the five factors: high blood pressure, high blood sugar, hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL cholesterol, and abdominal obesity. Unlike LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol plays a role in preventing atherosclerosis, so the higher the level, the healthier it is.
A 2003 study in Plant Foods for Human Nutrition showed that consumption of sprouted barley increased HDL cholesterol and decreased total and LDL cholesterol [1].

"This study demonstrates that supplementation with 15 grams of BL (sprouted barley extract) per day for 4 weeks significantly reduced plasma TC (total cholesterol) and LDL-C (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) and increased HDL-C (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) concentrations."
2. Anti-inflammatory
Did you know that visceral fat also secretes inflammatory substances? In this regard, the reason why sprouted barley has received widespread attention as a health ingredient for middle-aged people is because of saponarin, a natural anti-inflammatory agent that is abundant in sprouted barley.
In 2014, a study was reported in Food & Function in which Korean researchers revealed the mechanism of anti-inflammatory action performed by saponarin [2].

"These results suggest that SA (saponarin) extracted from sprouted barley exerts an anti-inflammatory effect on lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7 macrophages through inhibition of NF-κB, ERK, and p38 signaling. Therefore, SA (saponarin) may be a promising natural anti-inflammatory."
3. Protects against liver damage
The liver is called the "silent organ" because viruses, alcohol, fats, and drugs don't cause any abnormalities until more than 70% of the liver is damaged. Therefore, liver health should be managed through lifestyle habits and regular check-ups.
As the academic community has accumulated research on the effects of sprouted barley on lipid metabolism, inflammation control, etc., this year's Antioxidants published a paper on the effects of sprouted barley on liver damage in habitual alcohol drinkers with fatty liver [3].

"These findings suggest that BSE (sprouted barley extract powder) may protect against liver damage by reducing oxidative stress and altering metabolism in habitual alcohol consumers with fatty liver."
Today, we learned about the various benefits of sprouted barley through research. Don't forget that for more fundamental visceral fat management, diet management and regular aerobic exercise should be combined with it.
I hope you have a healthy day in body and mind. It was Jinny.
[1] Yu, YM., Chang, WC., Liu, CS. et al (2003). Effect of young barley leaf extract and adlay on plasma lipids and LDL oxidation in hyperlipidemic smokers. Plant Foods Hum Nutr 58, 1–8.
[2] SEO Kyung Hye, RA Ji-Eun , PARK Mi Jin , HAN Sang-Ik , NAM Min-Hee , SHIM Eun-Young , PARK JiYoung , SEO Woo Duck. (2014). Saponarin from barley sprouts inhibits NF-κB and MAPK on LPS-induced RAW 264.7 cells. Food & Function, 535-535.
[3] Park H, Lee E, Kim Y, Jung HY, Kim K-M, Kwon O (2021). Metabolic Profiling Analysis Reveals the Potential Contribution of Barley Sprouts against Oxidative Stress and Related Liver Cell Damage in Habitual Alcohol Drinkers. Antioxidants. 10(3), 459.
[2] SEO Kyung Hye, RA Ji-Eun , PARK Mi Jin , HAN Sang-Ik , NAM Min-Hee , SHIM Eun-Young , PARK JiYoung , SEO Woo Duck. (2014). Saponarin from barley sprouts inhibits NF-κB and MAPK on LPS-induced RAW 264.7 cells. Food & Function, 535-535.
[3] Park H, Lee E, Kim Y, Jung HY, Kim K-M, Kwon O (2021). Metabolic Profiling Analysis Reveals the Potential Contribution of Barley Sprouts against Oxidative Stress and Related Liver Cell Damage in Habitual Alcohol Drinkers. Antioxidants. 10(3), 459.
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