hair density2. Increased keratin content in hair

Hello. I'm a pharmacist Jinny.
Are there any of you who are worried that your hair seems to be falling out a lot lately, or that the crown of your head looks a little empty? In general, it is normal to lose 50~100 hairs a day, but if more than 100 hairs fall out or a lot of hair falls out in a part of the scalp, it may be a sign of hair loss.
This hair loss does not pose a threat to your physical health. However, the stress caused by hair loss is such a mentally demanding illness that studies have shown that it is associated with depression [1].
If you have such hair loss and hair problems, you should pay attention to the "Anuka apple". Anuka apples, also known as the "Queen of Apples," are a natural food that has recently been attracting attention from the scientific community for its hair-related benefits. Various studies are being conducted regarding the benefits of activating hair production. In fact, in Europe, it is widely used in food forms, cosmetics, and functional shampoos for hair.
Now, let's take a closer look at how Anuka apples can help with hair health, based on research.
Usually, hair loss begins with the hair thinning. Until this point, you may not notice it until you start to notice the hair loss when the density of your hair begins to decrease.
In addition, even if you don't have hair loss, the density of your hair will gradually decrease with age. Therefore, as they enter middle and old age, many people feel that their hair is thinning, and they perm it or wear a hat when they go out.
Anuka apples have been shown in IVF and topical application tests to help increase hair thinning, i.e., hair density [2]. Anuka apples are able to produce this effect thanks to a compound called procyanidin B2, which is a type of polyphenol.
In fact, it has also been confirmed that the consumption of Anuka apples has increased hair density. In a 2017 clinical trial, 250 subjects were given 400 mg/day of Anuka apple extract for 30 days and those who took Anuka apple extract with zinc and selenium to increase hair density [3].
"It provides powerful support to effectively promote hair growth and improve skin quality, increasing hair density and keratin content at the same time."
Hair growth requires a variety of nutrients. Among them, protein also plays a very important role in hair. This is because a protein called keratin makes up more than 90% of the makeup of hair.
Keratin is known to help keep skin, hair, and nails strong and healing. In the same study, the Anuka apple extract group increased the keratin content of their hair by a whopping 35% [4].
"This indicates that the keratin content of the hair increased approximately 35% more than in the non-treatment group."
The causes of hair loss are very diverse, including genetic predisposition, stress, and hormonal imbalances. In many cases, hair loss can even occur while taking certain medications.
In fact, hair loss caused by the side effects of anticancer drugs can cause difficulties in social activities and cause anxiety and depression in cancer patients. For this reason, academia is also trying to find ways to minimize hair loss caused by chemotherapy.
According to the results of one animal study, Anuka apples may also help with hair loss caused by chemotherapy.When Anuka apple extract 400 mg/L AAE was administered to rats for 4 weeks, it was found that it efficiently preserved keratin production and reduced hair bulb* dystrophy [5].
"We suggest that Anuka apple extract may be a safe nutraceutical option for hair growth and an interesting alternative to synthetic drugs for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced alopecia (CIA)."
Today, we're going to look at the hair-related benefits of Anuka apples through research. Anuka apples don't just have hair-related benefits.
As mentioned earlier, Anuka apples contain a large amount of a polyphenol called procyanidin B2. Rich in procyanidin B2, Anuka apples have been shown to help build up HaCaT cells*, which play an important role in the skin's immune response [6].
These Anuka apples are natural ingredients derived from nature, and although they are not known to have any major side effects on the human body, they can cause side effects such as indigestion, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal upset if consumed in excess. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur, so if you have a history of allergies, it is recommended that you consult a specialist before consuming it.
So, I hope you have a healthy day in body and mind. It was Jinny.
[1] Gupta MA, Gupta AK, Watteel GN. (1997) Stress and alopecia areata: a psychodermatologic study. Acta Derm Venereol. 77(4):296-8.
[2] Omar emiliano aparicio-trejo, edilia tapia, alfredo briones-herrera, elena martínez-klimova, josé pedraza-chaverri. (2021). Antioxidants and Natural-Derived Products in the Modulation of Mitochondrial Bioenergetics and Dysfunction in Chronic Kidney Disease Models. Clinical Bioenergetics, 611–633.
[3,4] Tenore, G. C., Caruso, D., Buonomo, G., D'Avino, M., Santamaria, R., Irace, C., Piccolo, M., Maisto, M., & Novellino, E. (2018). Annurca Apple Nutraceutical Formulation Enhances Keratin Expression in a Human Model of Skin and Promotes Hair Growth and Tropism in a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of medicinal food, 21(1), 90–103.
[5] Riccio, Gennaro; Sommella, Eduardo; Badolati, Nadia; Salviati, Emanuela; Bottone, Sara; Campiglia, Pietro; Dentice, Monica; Tenore, Gian; Stornaiuolo, Mariano; Novellino, Ettore (2018). Annurca Apple Polyphenols Protect Murine Hair Follicles from Taxane Induced Dystrophy and Hijacks Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Metabolism toward β-Oxidation. Nutrients, 10(11), 1808–.
[6] Tenore, Gian Carlo; Caruso, Domenico; Buonomo, Giuseppe; D'Avino, Maria; Santamaria, Rita; Irace, Carlo; Piccolo, Marialuisa; Maisto, Maria; Novellino, Ettore (2017). Annurca Apple Nutraceutical Formulation Enhances Keratin Expression in a Human Model of Skin and Promotes Hair Growth and Tropism in a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Medicinal Food. 1-14.
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