1. Facial deformities that appear when breathing through the mouth
What are the types of facial deformities that appear during mouth breathing?
An 'adenoid face' is a facial deformity in which adenoids, the amygdala located behind the nose, are created by breathing through the mouth. The characteristic appearance of the face is an overall elongation of the face, the upper lip is raised, the lips are not closed, the front teeth are visible. It is also characterized by a small nose and nostrils. Showing a molar counterbite* and an open bite between the front teeth. The term used to refer to the characteristic appearance of these faces is 'long-face syndrome'. If there is such a facial deformity in childhood, orthognathic surgery* should be used for orthognathic treatment in adulthood.
*Molar counterbite: An occlusion in which the lower molars protrude outward from the upper molars
*Orthognathic surgery: Surgery to cut the bones of the upper and lower jaws and separate them into two, and then move the bones of the upper and lower jaws to fit the normal occlusion and fix them.
2. Introduction to Proof Studies of Facial Deformity with Mouth Breathing
Do you have any evidence studies?

A well-known orthodontist in Sweden conducted an experiment on 644 children who snored and compared 28 children with blocked airways at night to a control group that was matched with the appropriate conditions.
There is also an experiment in which a rubber plug was inserted behind the nose of a monkey and observed for 6 months ~ 3 years. Electromyography* measurements of the monkeys showed that the electromyography of the facial muscles and the muscles that move the jaw was altered, as was the electromyography of the rest position. The results of this experiment confirmed the soft tissue stretching hypothesis that when the airway is blocked, the person changes position to breathe, and when the posture changes, the muscles attached to the attached jaw affect the bones, continuing the cycle of changing the shape of the face.
3. Causes and treatments
Is there a cause and a cure?
The most common problem with mouth breathing in children is due to the large tonsils behind the tongue and behind the nose, so they breathe through the mouth with the mouth open. In order to solve this, orthodontic treatment and surgery are required. When surgery is performed on actual patients, the face of adenoids and breathing problems such as open lips have improved, but severe cases in which the lower jaw falls back due to the lengthening of the face do not improve on their own, so it may be necessary to proceed with other orthodontic treatments under an accurate diagnosis.
When considering orthodontic treatment, it is necessary to know how to measure the size of the adenoids.
When examined by a dentist, if the size of the adenoid occupies half of the airway when viewed by x-ray or CT, it is considered to be stage 3, and if it is measured at a larger stage, it is recommended to consider surgery.
In addition, if you have very difficulty breathing and there are significant external changes, it is better to actively consider surgical treatment. We recommend that you get regular check-ups with your doctor and consider treatments to improve the appearance of your face in a timely manner.
The important thing is that if you find the causative factor well and get the right orthodontic treatment, you will get good results
4. Mouth Breathing Q&A: Frequently Asked Questions
Mouth breathing, I'm curious!
Q. I sleep with my mouth open without realizing it, does it affect my facial deformity?
Sleeping with your mouth open is because the muscles around your mouth become less active while you sleep. If you sleep with your mouth open but breathe through your nose, there is no need to worry too much as it will not affect your facial deformation.
Q. Is it okay to wear an oral breathing correction device while sleeping or on a regular basis?
Oral breathing braces are not recommended. This is because if it is difficult to breathe through the nose, it may be necessary to breathe through the mouth instead, which is dangerous. It's a good idea to visit your dentist for an accurate check-up and get the right treatment at the right time.
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