Silent Organ, Liver Saving Nutritional Supplement BEST3 Dr. Esther Yeo

Silent Organ, Liver Saving Nutritional Supplement BEST3 Dr. Esther Yeo

Dec 12, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy

What are the BEST 3 liver health supplements recommended by Esther Yeo?



Hello. This is Esther Yeo.


Today, we're going to talk about liver health. What do you, our readers, think the liver does? I'm sure many of you think of 'detox'.


That is right. The liver is involved in the metabolism of drugs, alcohol, and all the nutrients we ingest from food, and detoxifies many of the toxins produced during this process. The reason why we can eat meat so much is because the liver converts the harmful ammonia from the protein digestion process into other harmless substances.


So if the liver doesn't do its job, the body is contaminated with poison. Ammonia, which we talked about earlier, is dangerous enough that if the liver doesn't detoxify it, it can damage the brain and cause coma.


Silent even if it breaks, silent organs


In fact, the liver is an organ with good regenerative capacity. Therefore, when some of the liver cells are destroyed, they can be restored to normal.


However, living up to its nickname of the "silent organ", the liver is inflamed with fat and does not cause any subjective symptoms. So, if you have jaundice and change the color of your urine, it means that at least 70% of your liver's function has been impaired. This kind of damage is not easy to treat.


SOS sent by the liver, check the liver level


The good news is that Gando also sends an SOS. You can get a rough idea of your liver health with a 'liver function test'. It is also included in the free health check-ups conducted by the government. In fact, I will briefly explain the most common liver function tests seen in hospitals.


• ALP: An enzyme present in the bile ducts within liver cells, which rises when bile excretion is impaired.

• ALT· AST: An enzyme present in liver cells that is released into the blood when liver cells are damaged, causing blood levels to rise.

• GGT: An enzyme present in the bile ducts within liver cells, which, together with ALP, is used to diagnose bile excretion disorders.

• Total bilirubin*: Blood levels increase when there is increased bilirubin production (hemolysis**), acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, or bile excretion disorders.

Bilirubin: Red blood cells, which are responsible for supplying oxygen to the blood, are destroyed in the spleen at the end of their lifespan, and hemoglobin is metabolized and turned into bilirubin.

**Hemolysis: This is a phenomenon in which the cell membrane of red blood cells is destroyed, and the hemoglobin in it comes out of the blood cells.



BEST 3 nutrients that are good for the liver


So far, we've briefly looked at the characteristics of the liver and its levels. So, what supplements can support liver health? Here are 3 of the best nutritional supplements for liver health.



First, milk thistle

When it comes to liver health supplements, milk thistle is probably the first thing that comes to mind for many people. That is right. It has been used to treat liver diseases since ancient Greece and is widely loved as a representative of liver health supplements.


Milk thistle's liver health benefits are due to a compound called silymarin, which is found in milk thistle. Silymarin is known to protect the liver through its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fibrotic properties.


So, let's see what it actually does. The aforementioned liver levels drop. Reduced ALT and AST levels have already been demonstrated in several studies [1-4].



Second, glutathione


And then there's glutathione, which I've said many times, which is one of my favorites.


Basically, it's a very powerful antioxidant that your body makes. Glutathione reacts with free radicals instead of other molecules and oxidizes them, thereby removing free radicals and preventing cell damage caused by free radicals. It also helps with the function of other antioxidants. When antioxidant vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin E are oxidized, they are regenerated.


Glutathione is synthesized in most cells, but it is especially active in the liver and detoxifies toxic metabolites produced by oxidative stress, alcohol, drugs, and heavy metals. Due to its hepatoprotective properties, glutathione is also used as a medicine to treat alcohol and drug addiction and acute liver injury.


A 2017 study in Japan showed that patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver who were given glutathione for 4 months reduced ALT levels, triglycerides, and ferritin* levels [5].

*Ferritin: The level of ferritin in the blood reflects the total amount of iron stored in the body, which can be increased by chronic inflammation or various types of hepatitis.



Third, LD100

The last ingredient I'm going to introduce to you is probably the first time many of you have heard of it. It is the latest high-tech material in the world, LD100.


Is it better than milk thistle? Outstanding Effects of LD100


The reason why I became interested in LD100 is because I found that the hepatoprotective effect of LD100 is superior to that of milk thistle.


In animal studies that induced alcoholic liver damage, LD100 was found to be more effective than milk thistle in reducing liver levels (ALP, ALT) and preventing alcohol-induced liver degeneration [6], and in animal studies induced by non-alcoholic liver damage, it was found to reduce liver levels (ALT, AST) and reduce glutathione and antioxidant enzyme depletion [7].


What are the results of the human application test? Ninety-six adults with mild liver insufficiency who were given LD100 for 12 weeks were found to have significant reductions in liver levels (ALT, GGT) and overall fatigue [8].


What is LD100?

So, what is it about these amazing new materials? There is a hint in the name LD. This is because it is obtained by combining lemon balm and dandelion extract in the optimal ratio. Speaking of lemon balm and dandelion, does that sound a bit strange? Let me explain them one by one.


First of all, lemon balm was once popular as a diet food. Celebrities drink lemon balm tea to lose weight. The diet effect of lemon balm is due to the 'rosmarinic acid' contained in lemon balm. Rosmarinic acid, a type of polyphenol, basically has excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities, and has the effect of removing visceral fat by inhibiting the growth of fat cells.


Next, the dandelion is a plant that we are quite familiar with. This cute yellow flower that blooms on the side of the road actually contains a variety of phytochemicals*. Thanks to these phytochemicals, dandelion is known to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, as well as antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-obesity effects [9].


Therefore, LD100 mixed in the optimal ratio to create a synergistic effect can support liver health by preventing damage to liver cells from free radicals and inflammation. Thanks to this, it has been recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for its liver health benefits.

*Phytochemical: A compound word of 'phyto' and 'chemical', it refers to phytochemicals that have phytoactivity that are beneficial to health.


Fat Damages the Liver

Lastly, I want to tell you one more thing for liver health. Although the risks are overlooked compared to the hepatitis virus and alcohol, fat, or obesity, is also a clear risk factor for liver health.

The more obese you are, the more fatty acid synthesis increases, which in turn leads to the accumulation of triglycerides in the liver. If you look at people who don't drink much alcohol but have fatty liver, most of them have metabolic syndrome such as obesity, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, etc. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and exercise is really important for liver health.

In the same vein, LD100, which I mentioned earlier, also has the effect of improving fat metabolism in both lemon balm and dandelion, so I think LD100 will also help manage fatty liver by inhibiting the accumulation of lipids in the liver.


Today, I talked about the importance of liver health and what I think is the best supplement for liver health. As it is a grateful organ that silently does its best, I hope you will pay attention to the health of your liver. It's a new year, so if you're a drinker, I hope you'll cut back on your drinking. That's it.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you as always.

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