[Probiotics Episode 2] 90% of serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone, is secreted from the intestines | Dr. Esther Yeo

[Probiotics Episode 2] 90% of serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone, is secreted from the intestines | Dr. Esther Yeo

Dec 13, 2024Ehotyshamull Joy
My second brain, my gut, controls how I feel
90% of the happiness hormone comes from the gut

Surprisingly, the gut also determines our happiness. 90% of serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone, is secreted in the intestines. This means that only 10% of serotonin is released by the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood. So, if you don't have enough serotonin, you get depression. In the past, scientists thought that serotonin was only secreted in the brain. However, after a lot of research, it was discovered that EC cells, a type of nerve cell in the intestine, synthesize large amounts of serotonin.


The gut is the second brain

Professor Michael Gershon, chair of the Department of Anatomy at Columbia Medical School in the United States, published a book called The Second Brain in 1998. The gut is the second brain. In fact, there are 100 million nerve cells in the gut. These nerve cells directly control digestion, including intestinal movement and the secretion of enzymes. It is the consideration of the Creator so that the cerebrum does not have to worry about digestion.


And the research that's actually going to be relevant is...

Researchers at the California Institute of Technology published a study in 2015 in the international scientific journal Cell that eliminating all bacteria from the intestines of mice reduced serotonin secretion by 60%. When the bacteria were injected, the secretion of serotonin was restored. This means that intestinal bacteria, including probiotics, directly affect the secretion of serotonin. Serotonin, which is secreted in the intestines, is responsible for regulating intestinal movements. It's still unclear whether they act directly on the brain to improve mood and prevent depression. However, serotonin, which is synthesized in large quantities in the intestines, is absorbed by platelets in the blood and transported throughout the body through the blood vessels. It doesn't just affect the colon. Recently, there have been many papers that show that autism and attention deficit disorder in children are also related to the intestinal microbiota.


Intuition comes from the gut!

There's a word in English called 'Gut feeling'. Translated into Korean, it is "intuition." It is significant that Westerners express their intuition as the feeling of gut. It means that the happiness of the gut is the happiness of the brain. The intestine is by no means an insignificant organ, but a very important organ involved in immunity and happiness.

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