So, how much omega-3 should we consume?There are no textbook guidelines in place yet. According to the 2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Koreans consume an average of 1.6 grams of omega-3s per day. Coincidentally, Americans also consume an average of 1.6 grams of omega-3s per day. Here, 1.4 grams is ALA, and only 0.2 grams of DHA+EPA, which is essential for our health. Importantly, you should pay attention to your DHA+EPA intake rather than your total omega-3 intake. Experts vary from group to group, but the general recommendation is that healthy adults consume 500 mg of DHA+EPA daily.The International Society for Fat Research (ISSFAL), the American Dietetic Association (AND), the French Society of Nutrition (AFFSA), and the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (BSC) have all adopted this standard. Japan's Ministry of Health and Welfare recommends that healthy adults consume at least 1 gram of DHA+EPA daily.
But if you suffer from a disease, you will need a larger amount. The American Heart Association states that if you have heart disease, you should consume 1 gram of DHA+EPA per day. If you are high in triglycerides, you should consume a higher amount of DHA+EPA. In 2011, the American Heart Association officially recommended omega-3 supplementation, stating that 31 percent of Americans are high in triglycerides. The suggested amount is 0.5~1g daily when fasting triglyceride level is 150~199mg/dl, 1~2g daily when 200~499mg/dl is higher, and 2~4g daily when it is above 500mg/dl. Consuming 4 grams of omega-3s per day can reduce triglyceride levels by as much as 40%.
Of course, there is an opinion that omega-3s are also better eaten with fish than with supplements. However, if you want to get 500 mg of DHA+EPA from fish, you'll need to eat a slice of mackerel (50 grams) daily.Leaving aside the problem of heavy metal contamination, it's not easy to eat fish every day. This is why you need to get omega-3s in the form of supplements.
Omega-3s, of course, are better with a purer product. I would also like to highlight the recent emergence of plant-based omega-3s. Since DHA and EPA are extracted from marine microalgae, it has the advantage of eliminating the fishy smell of fish and heavy metals.
But are there any side effects of omega-3s? According to a study conducted by Tufts University in the U.S. in 148 studies on people who took 0.3~8g of omega-3 preparations daily for up to 7 years, there were no serious sequelae such as death, disability, or increased bleeding. About 7% reported mild and non-specific discomfort, such as diarrhea. Patients receiving thrombolytic drugs such as aspirin and warfarin had an increased tendency to bleed from wounds or gastrointestinal tracts, but to a milder extent. The American Heart Association issued a 2015 guideline recommending that large doses of more than 3 grams per day (equivalent to 6 capsules of 1,000 mg at 50% purity) increase the tendency to bleed, so it is best to consult your doctor before taking it. If you are going to have surgery with a lot of bleeding, you can reduce the intake of omega-3 preparations to 1~2 pills 2~3 days before surgery.
When Omega-3 Supplementation Can Help
People at high risk of heart disease or who have experienced a myocardial infarction
- People with high triglyceride levels, especially diabetes
- People suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or degenerative arthritis
- Allergic diseases such as asthma, psoriasis, atopy, etc.
- People with mild cognitive impairment, a pre-dementia stage
- Women at high risk of breast cancer or those who have had breast cancer
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